Porrima & Vindemiatrix – stars of prophecy.

The stars, aligned with the degree of Mercury's exaltation, embody higher mental capacities, particularly the ability to foresee future probabilities. Their prophetic ability goes beyond simple premonitions.

by Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars
featured image: Urania’s Mirror, Virgo Constellation.

Solar Eclipse aligned with Vindemiatrix & Porrima
October 2nd, 2024, 2:48 PM EST 

Mercury Exaltation 15° Virgo / Corresponds to 10° Libra, Tropical
Sidereal, Stars: 
VINDEMIATRIX, Epsilon (ε) Virginis, 14° Virgo 57′
PORRIMA, Gamma (γ) Virginis, 15° Virgo 08′

Virgo Constellation: Porrima & Vindemiatrix – foresight and prophecy.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse on October 2nd takes place within the Virgo Constellation, in Hasta Nakshatra aligned with two powerful stars within the Virgin’s celestial body.

Stars within Hasta Nakshtarsa and the bowl of the Virgo Constellation: Porrima & Vindemiatrix

Porrima, Gamma Virginis, Goddesses of Prophecy and Birth

Porrima, also known as Gamma Virginis, is a binary star in the constellation Virgo. Astrologically, it is associated with themes of intellect, balance, and feminine wisdom. The star carries the energy of the goddess Porrima, one of the Roman goddesses of prophecy and birth, symbolizing foresight and future planning.

Porrima is considered to amplify Virgo’s traits of discernment, critical thinking, and service. It can bring clarity in decision-making and the ability to process complex information efficiently. However, when poorly aspected, it may indicate over-analysis or an overly critical nature. Porrima supports endeavors related to healing, writing, teaching, and any fields requiring precision and care. This is also the position of Mercury’s exaltation as it aligns with abilities such as clairvoyance and telepathy, offering the foresight to perceive future probabilities.

Its connection to prophecy also suggests a strong intuitive or psychic element, offering insights about the future. This star is a reminder of the need for balance between rational thought and intuitive wisdom.

Johannes Bayer used the Greek alphabet around 1600 to name the brighter stars, generally based on brightness. However, this rule was often inconsistent, as Bayer also considered star positions within constellations.

Vindemiatrix, Epsilon Virginis, Grape Gatherer

Vindemiatrix is a fixed star in the constellation Virgo, known as the “Grape Gatherer” as well as the “Star of the Harvest” due to its association with the ancient grape harvest.

Vindemiatrix represents themes of hard work, discipline, and foresight. It emphasizes the significance of timing, highlighting how our current actions, inner resonance, and attunement shape our ability to act on what is foreseen. It is also associated with sobriety and responsibility, calling for practicality in matters of life, particularly regarding relationships and material possessions.

It can indicate a strong analytical mind, emphasizing a person’s intellectual capacity and attention to detail. However, Vindemiatrix also carries a warning of potential challenges, especially in personal relationships, as it can denote loss or separation when poorly aspected. The star’s energy is a reminder to maintain balance between the intellectual and emotional realms, urging individuals to approach life with both discernment and compassion.

Both Porrima and Vindemiatrix, stars in the bowl of the Virgo constellation, are connected to agriculture, the land, and humanity’s symbiotic relationship with life.

This celestial region embodies higher mental capacities, particularly the ability to foresee future probabilities. This prophetic ability goes beyond simple premonitions; it is about how our awareness and experience extend from the past, through the present, and into the future. It enables us to sense upcoming events just beyond the horizon, giving us a strategic advantage. This foresight allows us to prepare and navigate future outcomes already set in motion by our past actions.

Hasta Nakshatra – 10°00′ to 23°20′ Virgo, Sidereal

Both Porrima and Vindemiatrix are located in Hasta Nakshatra, the 13th Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spanning from 10°00′ to 23°20′ Virgo. This Nakshatra emphasizes dexterity, manual skill, and craftsmanship, as well as the ability to achieve through precision and cleverness.

  • Symbol: The symbol of Hasta Nakshatra is an open hand, representing skill, strength, and the ability to grasp or control things. It also symbolizes communication, protection, and the ability to manifest desires.
  • Deity: The ruling deity of Hasta is Savitar, a solar deity one of 12 Adityas who brings first rays of rising Sun. Savitar as the Sun god represents creative energy and light. Savitar is associated with inspiration, rejuvenation, and dexterity, blessing the natives with the ability to use their hands and mind for creative and practical purposes. Savitar has a jovial, lighthearted type of persona. He is always portrayed with a laughing gesture.
  • Planetary Ruler: The ruling planet of Hasta Nakshatra is the Moon, which gives emotional sensitivity, nurturing qualities, and the ability to adapt to various situations. The Moon’s influence also brings a connection to the subconscious and intuition.
  • Element: Air, which signifies mental agility, communication, and adaptability.

Lessons and Advice

During this New Moon and Solar Eclipse happening in the Hasta Nakshatra we receive the important lessons of using one’s skills and talents to manifest desires and improve the world around us. This is the time to embrace both the creative and practical sides of life, combining intellect with manual skill to achieve success. It is important to balance the need for control and precision with emotional flexibility and openness. Try to let go of perfectionism and be more adaptable in relationships to achieve greater harmony and fulfillment. Hasta teaches us to skillfully manage life’s challenges, while staying grounded and connected to both the mind and the heart, lessons of the Moon.

Archetypal energy of Hasta, themes & challenges

The archetypal energy of Hasta Nakshatra is the skilled artisan or healer. People born with placements in this mansion are natural-born creators, whether they work with their hands, minds, or words. They also embody the energy of healing and nurturing, often playing a vital role in their families or communities as caretakers or problem solvers.

The main themes of Hasta revolve around control, manifestation, and skillful action. This Nakshatra represents the ability to materialize desires through focused intent and precise effort. It is a Nakshatra of practicality, where intellect and skill are used to achieve concrete results.

One of the main challenges for Hasta is the tendency to be overly analytical or perfectionistic. This can lead to frustration or dissatisfaction when things don’t go as planned. There may be struggle with emotional instability, as the Moon’s influence can cause us to be overly sensitive or moody. If we feel insecure or powerless it is important to be aware of a tendency to become manipulative or controlling in the relationships.

Both stars are pronounce within the solar eclipse taking place on October 2nd, 2024, which you can read about here:

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is a poetess, artist and astrologer covering Vedic, Western and Star Astrology. She is originally from the Masuria Lake District of Poland and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains, in upstate New York.