Pisces Full Moon. Sheaves of grain and Chalice – a healing prayer.

The Piscean Moon opposing the Virgo Sun reminds us that the body (our earthly manifestation, Virgo) must serve the mind but ultimately the mind must serve the spirit (our higher self, Pisces). The evolving planetary culture and the planetary awareness are directing us towards the era of equality and technology or equality through technology…where we all have equal access to the gnosis / data which results in the mastery of self realisation inscribed within a formula “be to be”. The Self knows it all, the self beyond the ego, here to express itself fully.

by Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars

September 20th, 2021
Sun at 28°13′ Virgo, Moon at 28°13′ Pisces
7:54 pm EST

The Harvest Full Moon is upon us with the moonlight reaching peak illumination at 7:54 PM EST on Monday, September 20th ! The light of the moon shines brightly through the 3 nights from Sunday until Tuesday, according to Old Farmer’s Almanac “this results in an abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening, which was a traditional aid to farmers and crews harvesting their summer-grown crops.” What does it mean for an AstroWitch? You can watch both sunset and the moonrise at the same time!

Full moons symbolize a peak of energies, the cosmic tensions are mostly felt on the personal level focused on the emotional and instinctual. Full Moons often bring inner conflicts to the surface, however, with the Pisces Full Moon on September 20th the energies of the sky are exceptionally beneficial and in harmony with both Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius, with the strong energies of the Sun conjunct Mars in early Libra and the asteroid Hygeia, the Medicine Woman.

Female Archetypes and Quantum Healing

This Full Moon on the Virgo/Pisces axis encourages us to chant a cosmic prayer of well defined intentions in the area of healing our relationships to our bodies and to our environment through the power of the asteroid Hygeia. Hygeia, the Medicine Woman forms a conjunction to the Sun and Mars, therefore, her healing abilities are augmented.

The archetype of Hygeia and the constellation of Virgo are complimentary. The symbol of Virgo – virgin with sheaves of grain in her hands representing the wisdom based on our accumulated experience – conveys our life’s harvest. The archetypal meaning of Hygeia is the one of the Medicine Woman, connected to the infinite cosmic healing energy. In one hand she holds her Cup of limitless potentialities, in the other, a snake acting as a lighting rod that conducts the power and serves her to perform quantum healing. 

Hygeia, Medicine Woman & Goddess of Health.

Both archetypes Hygeia and Virgo assist in bringing the focus on self-care and living in harmony with our environment. Their joint forces at this Full Moon accelerate the self-healing process as the female archetypes help us to channel the divine healing power. Through connecting to the bigger source of cosmic consciousness – Chalice, and the potentialities of our planet – sheaves of grain, we amplify your abilities. Honour and respect these skills within you, keep on learning, and sharing the gifts you possess. Tune into the current energies so you can be guided on what needs to shift within your behavioural patterns in order to heal. 

Hygeia’s Chalice

The Power Triangle

Major energetic focus of this Full Moon is the Grand Air Trine between the Sun in Virgo conjunct Mars in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius and the North Node conjunct the asteroid Ceres in Gemini. With all these harmonious energies, actions initiated during this time may bring long lasting results in the areas of daily routines, health, work, and everything that may improve your life. 

Neptunian Dilemma

Neptune, the ruler of this Full Moon, located at 21 degrees of Pisces conjuncts the Moon and opposes the Sun. Since Neptune is affecting this Full Moon with a lot of energy, your emotional nature will be in direct connection with your higher eternal self that is all knowing and contains all the answers. You are also likely to travel into other realms, so open yourself up to those psychic experiences, indulge the need to daydream, or sleep, as during your slumbers you may receive powerful visions and unexpected injections of creative ideas. 

Neptune is the Compassionate One, the planet that rules the sign representing our era of Pisces, but he is also the Chameleon, two fish swimming in opposite directions, unsure which one is right and which one will ultimately decide on the course. The last couple of thousand years of the Piscean epoch wasn’t exactly peaceful and loving, as if Pisces were still struggling to shake off the previous human era of ego driven, and war loving Aries before stepping into the era of detached and equality bringing Aquarius. 

We are now consciously moving away from hierarchical Pisces era that could be described using Shakespearean dilemma “to be or not to be”. Through this phrase we may understand the spiritual rules of the Piscean times in which one needs a higher order, faith, religion, a belief system, because the knowledge / gnosis belongs to the elite, and the individual needs such a belief system to exist. The evolving planetary culture and the planetary awareness are directing us towards the era of equality and technology or equality through technology…where we all have equal access to the gnosis / data which results in the mastery of self realisation inscribed within a formula “be to be”. The Self knows it all, the self beyond the ego, here to express itself fully.

Spirit over matter

The Piscean Moon opposing the Virgo Sun reminds us that the body (our earthly manifestation, Virgo) must serve the mind but ultimately the mind must serve the spirit (our higher self, Pisces). This theme is enhanced by Mercury, the traditional ruler of Virgo. Mercury is in the friendly air sing of Libra, and although he is already in its retrograde shadow phase, it forms a powerful trine to Jupiter in Aquarius which means we are seeing knowledge which will bring matter under the control of the mind.

Pluto Portal

This Full Moon brings us a powerful cosmic wave with male archetypes of Mars and Pluto aspecting both the Sun and the Moon. The trine of the Sun and Pluto grants us the power of concentration and ability to regenerate, upgrade and transform all aspects of life (!). This aspect – if utilized wisely – can bring the qualities of a spiritual leader in us. Think of the area of life in which you could excel to inspire and lead others, and follow the inner calling within your community. On a very personal level this can also indicate a need to focus on spiritual self development.

With cosmic blessings,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda in her Polish Madonna avatar form in front of the monument of Frederyk Chopin, Warsaw 2018

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars