by AstroCreatrix
featured image, Charlotte Johannesson
Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Taurus
the Moon & the Sun at 10°28′ Taurus
April 30th 2022, 4:28 PM EST
A Solar Eclipse can only occur on the New Moon (Sun Moon conjunction), when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth. If the Moon’s shadow falls upon Earth’s surface at that time, part or all of the Sun’s disc is covered or ‘eclipsed’ by the Moon. On April 30th we experience the Partial Solar Eclipse: the Sun is partially shadowed by the Moon, making us highly sensitive. The partial eclipse takes place when the Moon’s Nodes are quite far 5 to 12 degrees from the actual New Moon degree while the total eclipse takes place when the Nodes are within 0-5 degrees.

Eclipse Season
In western astrology, the Nodes are considered to be points of evolution. The South Node is where we are comfortable because it is where our past life has been and thus we stay at that comfort level. The North Node by contrast, is the place we are compelled to move towards in order to evolve and be the best incarnation of ourselves we can be. Ultimately, we must balance the two points, that is, the signs and houses.
All eclipses involve growth that shows us something about ourselves we may not be aware of such as how we nurture ourselves, and how we respond to our own needs. It also calls into question the extent to which we live the lives that are in accordance with our ideals.
When eclipse occurs, suddenly things that were hidden come out into the open. In keeping with that symbolism, during eclipse season secrets frequently come to light, and things get revealed, forcing us to deal with and transform them, or be destroyed—literally sink or swim. In addition to the Nodes connecting with Sun and Moon to form an eclipse, planets conjoining eclipses amplify the intensity of the eclipse as well as the house that the Eclipse falls in.
South Node in Scorpio / North Node in Taurus
The Sun represents our ego and self esteem, the Moon, our emotional realm, with the South Node in Scorpio the emphasis is on overcoming destructive behaviors, addiction to drama, tendency to manipulate others to get what you want at all cost. It’s also time of reckoning with negative ancestral patterns and past lives traumatic experiences that lurk in our subconscious. This eclipse season is the perfect time to cleanse your mind and heart from all unwanted feelings, people and situations. Whenever you feel the need to engage with any type of drama, think twice. This doesn’t mean to live in the fool’s paradise where there is nothing to worry about nor any social cause worthy of our fight!

We ought to follow the calling of the North Node in Taurus, be honest with ourselves – what it is that we value, then simplify our lives, and embody the most enlightened form of Taurus wisdom: “Life is to be lived”! A reminder to live fully, seeing our earthy form as The Temple of Light and the Cosmic Wisdom channeled through us as we are still experiencing strong mystical themes with the Piscean Stellium of Neptune, Jupiter and Venus.
Earthy Wisdom of Taurus
The major aspect of the solar eclipse is the conjunction of the Moon and the Sun at 10 degrees of Taurus with Uranus at 14 degrees. This conjunction will bring excitement, but also an air of optimism and hope. It may also signify a greater need for personal freedom, and a heightened awareness of personal agency.
The Moon, exalted in the sign of Taurus is also supported by a sextile to Mars which is invigorating. Mars in Pisces stands for the archetype of the spiritual warrior that sees the bigger picture and is ready to engage in socially important causes. As Taurus is the earth fixed sign, it is practical and grounded. It represents the raw energy of the planet, its ability to give and sustain life. The earthiness brings focus on tangible things, especially through the sense of touch. Being grounded within the physical is reflected in Taurus’ attachment to the material world, things of value as well as personal values. Knowing this use the natural flow of this earth sign and focus on projects that could benefit from the tangible energy of the Bull.
Personal Agency and the Social Causes
The sign of Taurus represents the archetypes of the Earth Mother, the Sustainer of Life, Earth Goddess, Mother Nature. This eclipse season is the time to have a closer look at our relationship with the natural environment. How much or how little do we care about living in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms? Do you consider it ethical to eat meat, wear leather shoes, bags and jackets, use plastic, drive a car, and have our investments in fossil fuels?
There are a lot of supporting energies during this New Moon in Taurus so this seems like a good time to ponder our impact on the environment and the ways we can contribute to systemic change so as to minimize our impact on climate change. How can we exert our personal power and use our agency to bring on the transformation of culture, moving away from consumerism towards the participatory culture that values creation, social responsibility, and communal becoming; and what can we do to fight oppressive systems based on fossil fuel industries and hegemony of the rich elite over the rest of us and the environment.
Beyond all, let’s do not forget that Ukraine is still under the attack of Russia, do what you can, share on your social media, donate – even the smallest amount is helpful. I added new organizations, and individuals that are based in Ukraine and help in many ways, some are focused on the refugees, some on military forces, others provide medical help, there is one that helps Ukrainian animals – please click the link and consider donating!
Venus, the Eclipse Ruler
Venus is the ruler of this Solar Eclipse, as she is the ruler of Taurus where the eclipse and the New Moon take place. Look for guidance within the Venus sign of your own chart; the house and sign will give you the clues for how you express your values. This is certainly the time to explore Venusian themes: love, beauty, art, social relations, everything that makes life worth living! Within the themes of Taurus there is strong emphasis on bodily pleasures, food, and money.
Venus makes a conjunction with Neptune, the modern ruler of Pisces on April 27th. During the New Moon she is conjunct the ancient ruler of Pisces Jupiter at 27 degrees of Pisces and forming a trine to the South Node in Scorpio which always signifies a release and readiness to start afresh. Venus in her sign of exhalation is wise and powerful, she teaches us what it means to live according to our own truth, and how to stand up for what we value.
Whatever the question, love is the answer.
In the last few months, Venus has been on a long tiresome journey through her retrograde when she conjuncted Pluto, then travelled with Mars for nearly a month, and also conjuncted Saturn. She has gathered all the hard earned lessons, and now is ready to start a new cycle guided by a new sense of what it means to create fulfilling relationships. What did we learn from the past experiences that can help us live happier more authentic lives? How can we transform the way we relate to others so it serves us all? And here is a subtle reminder to always have the highest values in mind: win-win relationships.
Venus is ready for a new start, she is about to cross the Aries point and begin once again her journey around the Zodiac embracing new hopes and dreams.
Harnessing the energy currents
Pluto if positively aspected, stands for the higher sense of personal power. With the Lord of the Underground at 28 degrees of Capricorn forming a trine to Mercury in its own sign of Gemini, and a sextile to the Venus / Jupiter conjunction, we are fortunate to have access to the Plutonian energy which should never be taken lightly but with a great deal of care and responsibility. This can be a time of empowerment through opportunity and advancement. You are likely to align yourself with others who may be in a position of power and who can help you achieve your goals.
If you have a planet or a point in your chart placed between 7º and 25º of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) you will experience this eclipse in full force! On the other hand, if you have planets in your chart placed between 7º and 25º of the earth signs Virgo and Capricorn or water signs Cancer and Pisces, this can be positive time of new realizations, providing down to earth solutions.
With this lunation, we have a chance to make important changes in our lives. Now is the time to develop solid yet realistic plans and prepare the ground for reaping the benefits of our new beginnings! What actions can you initiate using the power of the lunar cycle to shift your reality and manifest what you desire?
What causes the Eclipses?
The Nodes are the ones responsible for the eclipse. Rather than planets with shape or mass, the Nodes are simply the places where the orbit of the Moon intersects with the “orbit” of the Sun. The point formed after the Moon has traveled from South to North is called the Ascending Node, or North Node.
In western astrology, the Nodes are considered to be points of evolution. The South Node is where we are comfortable, or where our past life has been and therefore we stay at that comfort level. The North Node is the place we are compelled to move towards in order to evolve and be the best we can be. Ultimately we must balance the two points, that is, the signs and houses.
The Moon’s Nodes responsible for the eclipses are also called the Dragons in Vedic astrology, from where the symbolism of the eclipses originated. For the origin story of the Eclipses check out my article: THE STORY OF A WOMAN AND THE SNAKE, in which I relate the Hindu myth about the churning of the ocean of milk, and how the Nodes and eclipses were formed. It is an important event in Hindu philosophy, and the most common form of the story is from the Mahābhārata – perfectly describing the symbolism of the Nodes and Eclipses.
In Vedic astrology the Dragons, are in fact the Demons who caused the eclipse, which you can learn more about in the article THE DEMONS WHO CAUSED THE ECLIPSE.
About the author

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars