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Sarah Penello

Forbidden Fruit: Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

Birds do it, bees do it, even the flowers and the trees do it. Mammals do it with interlocking genitals, fish do it in a school. Nobody knows how eels do it, but they’re definitely doing it. Fungi do it- probably more than anyone.

Taurus New Moon May 11th. Creative life force.

With the Black Moon Lilith, the feminine power of the divine, creative life force, untamed and raw, conjunct the New Moon, we are called to unapologetically embrace the sensual and sexual aspects of life, activating all senses, and caring about well-being of the body.

Pisces New Moon. Evolution of the Soul.

With the The Sun-Moon-Neptune-Venus stellium in Pisces, this New Moon represents a dreamy state of possibilities and an opportunity to awaken our Inner Visionary, The Dreamer, and the Mystic to mention the potent and positive expression of these energies which is what we hope to bring forward as the Triple Moon GoddeXx CREARTIX coven.