February 23rd, 2020, at 04°28′ Pisces
10:31 am EST
With this New Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces we are embracing the realm of the imagination, the dream-life and the fantasy. A new lunar cycle is an opportunity to start new projects. Since this is happening in the final sign of compassionate and all sensing Pisces, this is also time to let go of what no longer serves us, to surrender, and to gain a new awareness and perspective on priorities. See where this New Moon falls in your personal chart and focus your intentions on the area of life that is being activated.
This is an auspicious New Moon as it sits exactly on top of the Sidereal Vernal Point. What is this? It is the indicator of which era our civilization is situated in. Sidereal Vernal Point moves slowly, for the last 2000 year has been within the constellation of Pisces moving towards Aquarius and as of February 2020 it is exactly in Pisces on 4 degrees 58 minutes 39 seconds. By 2050 it will reach 4 degrees 32 minutes 44 seconds, and it will move to the sign of Aquarius circa 2300 – where we all shall meet in our future karmic forms.
We all know about the era of Pisces and Aquarius, and various astrologers define it in their own way, many saying that we already live in the era of the Water Bearer, well we are not – not yet! The transition is happening and we can all feel it but the Sidereal Vernal Point has 4 more degrees to travel through to reach the new era of the Aquarian Portal defined by knowing and being within the self. This is a good time to contemplate such questions as: what can I do within my abilities to bring on a more conscious, equitable world?

Sun moved to Pisces on Wednesday this week, and ahead of us we have a month under the influence of Neptunian archetypes: the Visionary, the Mystic, the Compassionate One, the Elusive One, the Saint, the Martyr, the Artist, the Trance Medium, the Spiritual Guide, and also the Pretender.
Since the Sun and Moon at 4 degrees of Pisces, conjunct Mercury at 9 degrees this is going to be an exciting New Moon, filled with communications, and conversations. Because Mercury is retrograde it will form a conjunction with the Sun until the beginning of March, with the exact point of connection on February 26th. According to traditional astrology, Mercury in Pisces is to its detriment. However, this can be a very good time if you know what to expect and know how to utilize the cosmic energies. Mercury in the water signs operates on the level of the emotional body, bringing new realizations and awareness through intuitive insights, psychic experiences, and dreams. The mind, with its linear analytical thinking, is somehow overtaken by the intensity of feelings. We are under this spell until March 10th, and the best way of maximising this energy is to induce oneself into the creative trance, which will certainly result in the poetic, psychic, and visionary works. this is the moment you were meant to start your dream journal! All forms of creative expression are favoured, especially the trance-like forms. Try automatic writing or dance. Focus on any medium that will draw you into that feeling of being completely absorbed in your creation, and being in the eternity of the moment. During this time, favour work that brings a sense of surrendering to something bigger. Creativity is a spiritual path; art is a spiritual path. When we are truly engaged in the process of creation, the ego ceases to exist, and we become transparent to the source, “caught in the act”.
And as always, with Mercury retrograde, avoid signing contracts, and revise whatever you are doing twice! If you have some long outstanding tasks, this would also be a very good time to tackle them. Revisit, redesign, redo.

This New Moon also forms a beautiful Minor Trine with two sextiles, one to Mars, exalted in Capricorn, and another to Uranus in Taurus. The energies of the Sun and Moon facilitate the naturally flowing exchange between Mars and Uranus, connected by the trine, enabling it more conscious expression of the planetary energies. This is a fortunate, exciting configuration that offers a lot of opportunities and brings inventiveness. Mars is extremely comfortable in Capricorn, the raw energy easily finds the direction and structure. Also because Mars is activating the eclipse energy from December 26th, whatever came up for you during that time, come back to it, check with yourself to see if you were able to make your dreams tangible, and discover what you needed to learn from that experience.
The sextile of the New Moon to Uranus, may bring the unexpected, however, since this is part of the Minor Trine, we will have enough intelligence and objectivity to embrace any situation that may arise.

Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars