by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Artwork “Twinkle Tinkle Meow” by Amy Chaiklin
January 2nd 2022, 1:33 PM EST
Moon + Sun at 12°20′ Capricorn, Tropical
New Moons symbolize an opportunity to start new projects and to find the new layers of energy within to inspire you towards becoming a more authentic self. This new lunar cycle begins on January 2nd and culminates on January 17th with the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer.

The New Moon sets the stage for a fresh start. With the focus on Capricorn: Sun, Moon, Pluto and Venus, this is the perfect time to plan for the new year. Sun conjunct Moon at 12 degrees and 20 minutes is supporting us in setting intentions and resolutions for the year to come.
The ruler of this New Moon, Saturn, represents structures and authority both external and internal. To live up to the highest calling of this planet you need to accept the responsibility for manifesting your own goals. We are called to acknowledge ourselves as the creators of authority, and need to recognize our power to climb above self-imposed limitations through the practical skills of organizing and managing.
Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
Saturn at 12 degrees of Aquarius is squaring Uranus at 10 degrees of Taurus, an ongoing square that has been active for the last year. As Saturn represents structures, organizations, corporations, governments and control, Uranus is a revolutionary and rebellious planet which aims to shock foundations, especially while it is transiting through the earthy and material sign, Taurus. Remember that the slower moving planet always wins, in this case the influence of futuristic Uranus will be stronger than that of Saturn so be ready to restructure and reimagine – especially with the help of Jupiter in Pisces.
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. In astrology, it represents luck, fortune, abundance and freedom. The planet entered Pisces on December 28th and will remain in its own sign until May 11th when it enters the sign of Aries. It then turns retrograde on July 28th at 8 degrees of Aries until November 23rd when it stations at 28 degrees of Pisces again.
The last couple of years have been difficult as Jupiter has moved through the signs ruled by Saturn – Capricorn and Aquarius. After entering Pisces, he finally finds himself in his own territory. In traditional Hellenistic and Vedic astrology, Jupiter rules both Pisces and Sagittarius. Jupiter in Pisces brings us creative opportunities, and amplifies intuitive insights. It also stimulates spiritual growth and helps us manifest our dreams. The mantra for Jupiter in Pisces is to DREAM BIG, and let the power of the Cosmos work its magic. Deep faith in your goals and optimism can really work wonders with this transit, especially if it touches on the points and planets in your personal chart.
Venus retrograde conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
Another powerful wave of energy during this New Moon is the Pluto / Venus Rx conjunction in Capricorn. Try to avoid arguments, and clear any likely misunderstandings arising in your relationships.
Venus teaches us that our quality of life is a reflection of our emotional state of being, which attracts experiences and relationships into our life. The Goddess descent and the retrograde motion pulls us deep into a personal process of emotional alchemy. It’s an opportunity to deepen the understanding of the inner workings of our hearts. As she conjuncts Pluto expects a great clean up ahead and exciting renewal of the value system. Everything that belongs to the domain of Venus is undergoing a deep transformation whether those are relationships, or the daily routines relating to health, beauty, and fitness. Depending on what Venus represents in your chart (she is my chart ruler for instance!), she may well surprise you with stirring your creative deep soul currents to emerge on a higher octave of self-expression!
Blessings on your path,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars