by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured artwork Kathy Ruttenberg
September 25th, 5:54 pm EST
Sun & Moon at 2°48′ Libra, Tropical
Sun & Moon at 8°38′ Virgo, Sidereal
The Lunar cycle begins on September 25th, with the New Moon at 2 degrees and 48 minutes of Libra, we are entering the sphere of social engagement and relatedness. The focus is on our relationships and during this period we can gain insights into the roles we play within our communities. As always with the New Moon, this is an excellent opportunity to find new layers of energy to inspire us towards becoming more authentic within the relationships we form.
The seed chart of this Lunar Cycle is powerful with the Sun and the Moon conjunct Venus and Mercury in trine to Pluto, and Saturn in trine to Mars. Also, the Moon and the Sun at 2° Libra oppose Jupiter at 3° Aries, with Mercury and Venus in late Virgo opposing Neptune at 23 ° Pisces.

Equinox Chart and our collective future
During the next three months we are under the spell of the Fall Equinox which opened up a powerful spiritual portal. The Equinox chart is important as it sets the tone for the next 3 months until the Winter Solstice that takes place this year on December 21st. You can read about it here:
Libra Flow
With the Sun in Libra we are shifting gears and stepping into the cardinality. What does that signify? Libra is a cardinal air sign, and as she activates, her momentum concentrates the energies onto the abstract and intellectual. We have been transformed through the month of September, and now it is time to talk about all that we have achieved, and also to share our ideas and ideals with others.
This is a powerful time for manifesting what we want from our partnerships. With the focus on the Libran phase of the Zodiac our attention turns to how we interact, collaborate, negotiate and love. And as the Mercury Retrograde period is progressing we are learning a great deal of how we can actually improve our communication and add practical solutions to the old problems in our relationships. Especially that the ruler of this New Moon – Venus is conjunct Mercury retrograde. Acknowledging someone for their support, or even saying sorry where we recognize our shortcomings, is advised. Building each other up, and building oneself through the relationships is the Holy Grail, who are we if not the multitude of those we love and cherish!
Mercury Rx
The Mercury Retrograde period through the sign of Libra and Virgo began on September 9th, and will continue until October 2nd when it stations direct at 24 degrees of Virgo, Tropical. As it is transitioning through the sign of Virgo it teaches us a great deal of how to discriminate between the choices so as to make the most viable decision, and keep our affairs in order.
Earth sign Mercury retrograde slows down the intellectual chatter and highlights the need to use our analytical skills for tangible results. We can greatly benefit from this transit if we are ready to re-focus our attention on all things practical, and perhaps brush up some old forgotten skills? Large format photography? Fundraising for the native people of the Amazon? Standing with the Women of Iran? Climate action activism? Returning the stolen land to the First Nations people? Some ideas for you that have been coming through during this period.
Saturn – Uranus Cosmic Portal
This lunar cycle brings back the last year’s triple square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Through the entire month of October they will continue to exert the pressure demanding that we redefine and re-organize our reality! No less! This is the final, fourth square, that gives us a chance to redefine our personal and collective reality. While Saturn represents structures and authority both external and internal, Uranus is identified with unexpected changes, paradigm shifts, revolutions and all sorts of disruptions that may derange the status quo. As they connect through the square this process may be unsettling and confusing but out of this cosmic frustration we shall resurface with a new worldview that will be more inclusive (Uranus) and less rigid (Saturn).
Uranus solves the problem from outside the problem, rendering it irrelevant. Moving to the new level requires a complete disruption and reorganization of all the information from the old level; revolutionary energies may bring on chaos so as to reorganize the system into a new entity. For instance, we hope that the Armory show, the biggest art fair in NYC will acknowledge that it is taking place on Lenape land and will showcase the First Nations artists in the future.
Saturnian Form vs Uranian Revolution
Saturn gets a lot of bad rep, but it is also defining the foundations that help us structure our lives. To live up to the highest calling of this planet we need to accept the responsibility for manifesting our own goals as the creators of authority, and need to recognize our power to climb above self-imposed limitations through the practical skills of organizing and managing.
On the other hand, Uranus brings the capacity to change dimensions and timelines. He solves the problem from outside the problem, rendering it irrelevant. Moving to the new level requires a complete disruption and reorganization of all the information from the old level; revolutionary energies may bring on chaos so as to reorganize the system into a new entity.
As the Saturn-Uranus square highlights the practical side of our lives, it often helps us or forces us (!) into accomplishing a great deal of work. The most positive expression to be expected is an approach of practical realism and common sense, the negative on the other hand is letting yourself indulge in negativity seeing only the dark side of life.
8°38′ Virgo, Sidereal

This Lunar Cycle chart shows us nearly all of the personal planets including the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, known as the Star of Patronage, and associated with giving and generosity.
The Deity of this mansion is Aryama, one of the 12 Adiyas, early Vedic Hindu deities. The Vedas refer to him as a “guard of the Sacred Laws” – the cosmic laws of consciousness. He is the third son of Aditi, the mother of the Adityas (all of the sun deities) and is depicted as the mid-morning sun disk. Aryama is a God of Friendship, Partnerships and Kindness, and his name signifies “Life-Partner”, “close friend”, “Partner”, “play-fellow” or “companion”.

Uttara Phalguni is symbolized by the back legs of a bed and a fully grown fig tree. Both suggesting that without much effort this Nakshatra brings us abundance and good fortune while teaching us how to be dignified and resist the urges of the ego. The lesson here is to share the abundance with others and do not let your personal desires stand in the way of your relationships. The emphasis is on moderation, as we consider the needs of others.
With Cosmic Love,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars