by Agni Jnana Yannanda
NEOVEDIC approach / JYOTISH astrology
Welcome to my new Vedic / Jyotish series in which I will translate the stars for you according to the ancient system of Vedic astrology known as Jyotish, the Science of Light. In my astrology practice I follow both systems Western and Eastern. Geographically my cultural heritage transcribes with the ancient Vedic influences still present within the folk traditions and linguistic affiliations. Western culture of Christianity tried to erase all of the ancient knowledge, and it is with the great sadness I must admit this process of conquest has been quite thorough, ruthless, and successful. But it is never too late to awaken to the truth and to rediscover the gnosis that has been part of my ancestors since the Neolithic era when the Slavic people shared the same ancient Proto-Ino-European language from which the Sanskrit emerged leaving a strong linguistic presence in my mother tongue.
With this short introduction through the epochs let me explain the main difference between the Vedic and Western systems of astrology. Jyotish is focused on the movement of the Moon with its 27 Nakshatras (Moon Mansions) and Western is Sun based emphasizing 12 Zodiac signs. Vedic is also using the constellations that actually became a part of the Vedic system around 300 BC with the influences from hellenistic astrology which gave birth to the Western system as well. However, while the Western system is using a static calendar frozen is time some 2000 years ago and based on March Equinox set for 0 degrees of Aries, Jyotish follows the actual constellations giving us the astronomical view of the sky.
I follow both systems. But mostly I love looking up towards the sky just like the ancient priestesses did long time ago… As this feels like auspicious time I decided to introduce all of my readers to Jyotish with the Full Moon analysis.
During this Full Moon the Moon is in Sravana 22nd Nakshatra, and the Sun is located in Aslesha, the Nakshatra of Nagas, one of the most powerful and dangerous Mansions where the sacred knowledge is being held and protected by the powerful Gods Nagas.

Aslesha ruled by Mercury and positioned entirely in the constellation of Cancer is represented by the Cosmic Serpent, the Protector of Gnosis with its power to inflict the poisonous venom… It’s the Nakshatra of regeneration, strength, magic, death and healing. And as the Sun is opposing the Moon in Sravana, known also as The Star or Learning, the portal to seize and comprehend the sacred knowledge is open.
Sravana situated entirely in the sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is currently transiting Uttarashadha Nakshatra also in the constellation of Capricorn. Sravana gives us the power of connecting to others, sharing our experiences, insights and often hard learnt lessons that come with life. With Saturn in Capricorn in Uttarashada ruled by Saturn, we are experiencing the positive effects of this Nakshatra known as the Latter Invincible and represented by the symbol of the elephant often associated with the God Ganesh. This auspicious Universal Star possesses the power of unchallengeable victory and brings us success through assuming of our responsibilities. While being the Nakshatra of a Warrior, it’s also the feminine one.
Mars, the planetary warrior situated in the constellation of Pisces, in the final 27th Nakshatra Revati, softens its energy and turns into the Spiritual Leader ready to flight for the betterment of the whole humanity. Revati brings the power to nourish and transcendent looking at the situation from a completely new perspective, in a spirit of a quantum leap.
Moon in Satabisha, Sun in Punarvasu, Mercury and Jupiter in Ashlesha
Featured image: Agni Jnana, The Fire of Knowledge
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