Mysteries of the Stars: Markab, Alpha Pegasus

by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Arpita B Ruparel, Merkaba, painting, 2015

Star Markab, Alpha Pegasus at 28° Aquarius, Sidereal

As the New Moon on March 10th 2024 aligned with the star Markab, her influenced was a powerful force inspiring me to explore the symbolism and meaning of this celestial body.

The star Markab, in the constellation Pegasus, north of the ecliptic, brings the focus to the physical expression of the soul, our body seen as a vehicle that allows us to have all of the life experiences, similar to the symbolism of the Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra with the unicorn or the serpent being the means of transport for the gods.

Markab, Alpha Pegasus is the main star of the Great Square of Pegasus which holds the gnosis concerning the metamorphosis of the physical body into a body of light, or Merkabah, a grid of connected energy tetrahedrons that can be created around our earthy form through the meditation then allowing for quantum travels and leaps.

Pegasus Constellation from Urania’s Mirror c.1825

Ascending from the past into our destined evolutionary fulfillment, to become more through our human experience. The focus of Markab within the Great Square’s destiny, is the transformation of the physical body seen as the temple and a vessel of the soul emphasizing our responsibility to elevate the vibrational frequency we emit. Embodiment as the soul’s ultimate expression within Earth’s environment.

Pegasus Constellation with the stars of the Great Square of Pegasus: Markab, Scheat, Algenib and Alpheratz.

With Astralove,

Agni Jana