Non Grata NYC
MELTING POINT – Chaos – Rituals – Behavioural Art
@Garibaldi Plaza, Washington Square Park, Manhattan, NY
photos by Kertin Vasser and Miao Jiaxin
LIVE Performance by:

On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the Non Grata NYC performance took place in Garibaldi Square, Washington Square Park, Manhattan, New York.
In addition to Non Grata, the New York alternative collectives Guerilla Theater and AnarkoArtLab performed.
The two-hour improvised performance “Melting point,” surrounded by hundreds of spectators in the heart of the Big Apple, melted blues and reds, blacks, whites, yellows, beiges and oranges into one, to continue navigating the endless paths of the universe as a unified whole.

About artist groups:

Around the name NON GRATA there have been different hushes and shushes for a long time. Already from the point of view of death of conventionalization of art it has embodied the horrible and unwanted disembodiment of human person, from which the meaninglessness of nowadays art, is pouring out. For those, whose world of arts starts from the point, where the art world ends, NON GRATA has been a liberator, the orphic gap in the seemingly unalterable course, which however betrays us, it is a cure from incest. The main point of the group is ethical – it is the image of primitivism, impersonality and experimental creativity. The performances of the group take place according to the logic of avoiding codes. The presentations are physical texts, whose ways of orthography and reading are kept within limits of real actions by the groupmembers. Aesthetical and provocative challenges are represented in places, where the Art World doesn’t work.
Creatrix Magazine’s interview with NON GRATA:

Guerilla Theater is a collective of experimental performance artists and musicians based in NYC. They mostly do ecstatic multi-media improvised group performances in the streets of New York. They support independence from all oppression and a freedom to pursue self expression. They create public disturbances in order to wake up the sleeping giant. Public performance is a way to reach the masses and disrupt the status quo and losing barrier between artist audience.
They practice improvised non-hierarchical collective action in the public space in the hopes that people will be inspired to create a new culture.
One that embraces the chaos of humanity giving everybody the freedom to participate and express in whatever creative way they can imagine.
CRATRIX Magazine’s interview with one of the members of GUERILLA THEATRE:
Their way of thinking and making art are situated in a position of resistance to hierarchical capitalist structures, ecologically catastrophic and socially oppressive, with regard to the bipartite division of genders, the oppression of women, the marginality and violence to which the LGBTQIA+ community is subjected, the class issues, the racism, the extinction of the indigenous population and of the forest. All those fronts of struggle, consequences of colonialism and the neoliberal logic in its updated manifestation, are recognized by these artists and assembled in their intersectional way of producing art, by building networks and connections between different social demands. The members make urban interventions, performances, happenings, trans media events and environmental projects through immersive, collaborative, participatory and symbolic art projects, stimulating critical thinking.