by Agni Jnana Yannanda
featured artwork Claire Zakiewicz , Lunar Cycle 2, 10 x 10″, oil on panel, 2022
March 25th, 2024, 3:00 AM EST
Sidereal: Moon at 10°55′ Virgo (Hasta Nakshatra), Sun at 10°55′ Pisces (Uttara Bhādrapadā Nakshatra)
Tropical: Moon at 5°07′ Libra, Sun at 5°07′ Aries
Stars: ZANIAH also known as EtaVirginis Sidereal 9° Virgo 50′ / Tropical: 4° Libra 02′
This new lunar cycle began on March 10th and culminates on March 25th with the Nodes opposing the axis of the Sun and the Moon causing the eclipse. Whenever it happens on the full moon we are experiencing the Lunar Eclipse, and on the new moon – Solar Eclipse.
I explain the details of how the eclipses are formed in my article from 2017 “The Demons Who Caused the Eclipse” , and the mythology of the eclipses originating within the Hindu tradition, in Mahābhārata “The Story of a Woman and the Snake”
ZANIAH, Eta Virginis 9° Virgo 50′ Sidereal
As this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse aligns with Zaniah, a multiple star system also known as EtaVirginis, part of the Virgo constellation, it connects our conscious decisions to the soul level destiny inspiring the flow of action that reflects our deepest longings.
It helps us harmonize our current human incarnation with the soul’s path, in some ways often bringing a wake up call to realign us with what’s truly the best course of action. Through people or circumstances it will force or direct us to readjust our situation so our lives can reflect the most spiritually advanced version of ourselves attuned to the cosmic harmonics.
Zaniah’s etheric light infuses our lives with the need to be here and now, live in the current moment, aware of the present in its eternal consequences. Just like with the Equinox we entered the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of Zaniah, Sidereal EtaVirgins, Goddess of Harvest, on its oppositional axis calls us to be immersed in the infinity of now, absorbing the awakening of nature as if it was our own. Seeing the uncountable shades of green, with new green, lime, rain wet and saturated, watching the petals of cherry blossoms swirl in the wind to form the infinity loop. Bold colors invisibly emerging from the frozen soil, flowers resurrected, enticing transtemporal love in us. Aren’t we all Lovers of the Spring? Lovers of the Awakening, as if this experience have the power to manifest the time traveling vehicle allowing us to shift our realities in a quantum jump.
Zaniah reminds us of the foundational ethics of our planet, its dharma, the right way of living that makes life and the Universe possible. All that embodies the ethical choices: duties, rights, laws and virtues come into focus. Are we aligned with our dharma? Are we aligned with our soul’s calling?
People often ask me what’s the main difference between Vedic and Western astrology. Beyond the technical difference of 23 degrees in the positions of the celestial bodies, the esoteric answer to this question is quite simple. The Western astrology defines our current life while the Vedic chart shows our soul’s journey. If you celebrate this Lunar Eclipse as the Full Moon in Libra, this is valid for your current life, if you meditate on it as the Full Moon in Virgo aligned with the star Zaniah, Eta Virgins you will find the guiding voice within, directing you towards what’s right for you, what’s true, what’s beautiful, awe inspiring, and elevating. You may travel in your light body to meet the true reflection of your soul. And the Virgin will assist you in this transtemporal journey.
Western, Tropical Zodiac: Moon in Libra, Sun in Aries

The duality of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse expresses itself through the axis of Aries and Libra: desires and needs of the self, and the need to negotiate our social reality with others. The major aspect is the powerful supportive energy from Pluto in Aquarius, which brings opportunity to align with the highest calling, attuned to the idealistic, selfless expressions of Plutonian energies. Once again a theme of “right use of will” directed by soul-level impulses identified with Zaniah, Eta Virginis!
With the Moon at 5 degrees of Libra, Venus is the ruler of this eclipse. Venus is currently transiting through Pisces and in conjunction with Saturn, which brings stability, sincerity, and a touch of karmic connection, as long as you can overcome the voice of the inner critic that may encourage you to make you feel unworthy of love. Be realistic, we are all children of the Universe, on a journey of love through life! Love yourself so the others can love you too is the teaching of this aspect. Venus and Saturn are both ruled by Neptune (the cosmic octave of love!) in a wide out of sign conjunction with the Sun at 5 degrees of Aries. This is supportive, easy flowing energy so if you have any planets between 25 degrees of water signs and 10 degrees of fire signs, you are going to feel activated by the forces of the Universe. The same goes for the first decan of Air signs aspected by the Moon and Pluto – it’s your time to shine… in the moonlight! It’s truly a beautiful time to experience deep emotional connections with the general feeling of being in the flow, being present, here and now, moment by moment.
Vedic, Sidereal: Moon in Virgo, in Hasta Nakshatra, Sun in Pisces, in Uttara Bhādrapadā Nakshatra.
The Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse takes place in the constellation of Virgo, with the Moon at 10° 55′ Hasta Nakshatra and the Sun at 10° Pisces 55′ in Uttara Bhādrapadā Nakshatra.

Hasta Nakshatra
Hasta is associated with the Moon, and lies entirely in the sign of Virgo constellation which in itself is associated with harvest and abundance. Hasta is ruled by Mercury, it is the Nakshatra that grants us our wishes, represented by an open hand in a gesture of receiving. Here, we have the opportunity to manifest from a place of higher awareness. The symbolism of this Moon Mansion is similar to the description of Zaniah, EtaVirginis, aligned with the Moon within one degree.
Uttara Bhādrapadā Nakshatra
During the Lunar Eclipse the Sun on her annual travel around the ecliptic transits the Pisces constellation, placed in the 26th Nakshatra Uttara Bhādrapadā known as the WARRIOR STAR. This Moon Mansion symbolizes the power of bringing the cosmic rain… It is represented by the snake eating its tail, conveying the themes of dharma and transtemporality attuned to the energies of Zaniah.

The snake eating its tail, the symbol of Uttara Bhādrapadā Nakshatra conveying the themes of dharma and transtemporality. This symbol is also known as Ouroboros in the Western tradition.
Uttara Bhādrapadā Moon Mansion, is associated with Saturn and falls entirely int he sign of Pisces, ruled by Jupiter so this Nakshatra has the qualities of Saturn / Jupiter conjunction: the patience and tenacity to accumulate true wisdom. It bestows the qualities of yogi or guru, hence the warrior isn’t fighting for its own causes but for restoring universal balance and peace. It’s the archetype of a Cosmic Warrior, possessing access to the collective subconscious, and therefore the power to shift the patterns of our collective behaviors. The Cosmic Warrior who is brave enough to conquer all realms.
The stars of Uttara Bhādrapadā bring us blessed and forgiving energies, signs of an accomplished yogi who through self-sacrifice in form of seclusion or renunciation attained a spiritual level of virtuosity within its pure heart. This Nakshatra also gives us great intelligence, a wealth of knowledge and a feeling of responsibility to share it with the world.
Wishing you peaceful Lunar Eclipse,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and an artist living in the Shawangunk Mountains.