Juno’s Diary. Libra shadowy lands.

by Jana Astanov

How is that Mercury Rx showing up for you? Are you getting acquainted with your Libra shadowy lands?  If Libra is the sign of harmony and relationships, then its shadow is people pleasing, inability to say no, willingness to say yes even if you don’t mean it, and don’t mean doing it anyhow, inability to stand your grounds. But is it an inability or a coping mechanism? Standing your grounds means you will reject some, and Libra wants to be perpetually diplomatic. The shadow of people pleasing is an anxiety ridden mind, soul and heart. Hey Libra, you cannot please everyone! WE ALL KNOW IT. Wake up to that truth and take pleasure in knowing so. Instead of feeling hurt or anxious at someone’s disapproval, you gotta ring those inner rainbow bells that are dispersing the grey clouds of discontent. 

The world doesn’t need to love you at all times, the world as we know it is a crazy disturbing technocapitalism projection of a demonic entity, or not? The art of rejection is to laugh and try again, but always be in tune with your true heart desires, and dreams – and that is also a part of the shadow. Strong Libra in a personal chart means that you are so often entangled in others people’s lives that you sacrifice your own uniqueness. 

Agni Jnana Yannanda ( who is ‘JA’ who is ‘me’) has much more to say about the Libra shadow as her rising is in this fabulous sign, so stay tuned! We will be diving deep into it all until the end of the Mercury Retrograde period!

About the author

Jana Astanov is an interdisciplinary artist, a poetess, an astrologer and an independent curator born in Mazury Lake District of Poland and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains, in upstate New York. She is the founder of CREATRIX Magazine and the author of five collections of poetry: Antidivine, Grimoire, Sublunar, The Pillow Book of Burg, and Birds of Equinox. Follow her on IG @Jana_Astanov & Twitter @JanaAstanov