Juno’s Dairy – Lessons on Learnt Happiness 

8/8 Double Happiness of the Lion’s Gate 

8/8 Lion’s Gate Portal used to be a very important astronomical event for the ancients as it coincided with the star Sirius rising in the skies which is no longer the case but we still have numerology with the number 8 representing abundance, and 8/8 being known as Double Happiness.

What is learnt happiness? It’s the happiness multiplied by all our life experiences of when we felt happy, joyful and fulfilled with the awareness of all the times when we felt depleted, desperate, down to the bottomless pit, and abandoned by someone we loved. Learn Happiness it’s an equation – do what makes you happy and don’t do what makes you sad. Easy!

First of all, as we are in the midsts of Venus Retrograde, I will zoom on love, and all the reasons why love may makes us more unhappy than happy… There is this unhealthy attachment called unrequited love, all consuming obsession with our feelings for another, usually mythical, creature. It’s never the feeling for a real person as it’s always the feeling that the absence of a real person entices. Real people are messed up, sometimes fun and other times not so much. You gotta accept both if you want to be in a relationship but if you want to be in love with the mythical creature of your obsessive imagination, I promise you they are too perfect to let go of, ever! So the obsession that leads us to the feeling of abandonment by the only person that can love us in a certain way, is just an illusion and a lie we tell ourselves as a way of escaping reality….and therefore escaping the true possibility for happiness. 

Now, what about the charms of being in a committed relationship, with no prospects of delicious solitude and adventurous independence. Expecting that one person can make you happy beyond the honey moon period is perhaps unrealistic? You gotta know yourself and never give up on things that you love, beyond the relationship.

I love cemeteries for their deadly charm and existential value. My favourite being Polish Powązki cemetery and French Père Lachaise, but in general I can appreciate most of them. The ancient Slavic ones from the Iron age looking like a small hill and called “kurhany”, as well as the ones from ww2 we would stumble upon as kids trying to decipher the inscriptions on the stones hidden in the woods. 

Iron Age Kurhan

Recently, feeling slightly blue, as Saturn was sitting on my Moon while transiting Mars was conjuncting my natal Saturn and opposing my natal Moon and transiting Saturn, I drove to the beach looking for the oceanic consciousness and its freeing quality, and as we drove we passed 3 large cemeteries, old and new. At the same time, one of my friends needed cheering up – as an astrologer, friends often remember you when they feel really bad, which is fine, I get it. And honestly, the only cheering up thought I had was “Hello, you are alive! Wake up and be happy! If you are not happy go to the cemetery and see it for yourself”. 

So learnt happiness requires that you say to yourself:

“Hello, I am alive! What a great reason to be happy!” 

Ontologically, you have no proof that you are really alive… Yup, the simulation argument, however, unnecessary self-reflection is a total killjoy. So don’t even go there! 

I also did cbc (complete blood count) and discovered that the genetic disease I carry encapsulated in my Asian genetic heritage got activated and my red blood cells don’t carry enough oxygen, making me feel less than great. So yeah, happiness is also chemical balance, oxygen, healthy food, and exercise – take this! 

As it is 8/8 today, known as The Lion’s Gate, I came across one of my ancient tiktok videos from 2020 or so, with a channelled message, and I felt so amused by my avatar totally vibing with her being alive. That feeling of being in the flow…

Always do what brings the inner spark within you.

…which is the best advise I ever got from my dear friend Dana Jammal, PhD Jungian psychologist.

Astrologically speaking, we often feel a little down having a Saturn transit. There are various ways of dealing with it. I like to associate the remedies for Saturn with the power and archetypal meaning of other planets.

One of the best Saturnian antidotes is to use the energy of Mars, and move your body, entering the flow and enjoying the movement which stops Saturn and trumps it with the Martian groove. Go for a run, a swim, go to a dance class, go for a walk, no excuses, move and move on from the bleak master of putting you down aka Saturn. I personally love my Dance Yoga classes with Maija Rutkovska, here quoting Maija “The first split of the day is the hardest!”. No less! Maija’s classes are designed for dancers, therefore you not gonna be indoctrinated into any of the American-yoga-mystic-talk, just pure bliss of stretching and splits over headstands. Mars on! 

You can also use the energy of Jupiter, and put yourself through the stream of positive affirmations, meditations and channelled lovingness acknowledging your divine nature against all the Saturnian negativity that your inner critic is endlessly feeding you with. Honestly, the world and other people who are so often broken, here I am paraphrasing Kierkegaard, are ready to criticize at any given moment, that’s why you must not do it to yourself! You gotta give yourself some loving and happiness and manifestation meditations rather than another negative self-talk. Jupiter is here to lift you up! Type “manifestation affirmation, self-love, happiness meditation” into your YouTube browser and rock on – and do share with me the really good ones! 

Fight Saturn with Mercury – make a list of what made you happy in the past, and what made you unhappy then do more things from the first list and avoid the second. Use the analytical discriminating power of Mercury and his superficial exactness. Going to Père Lachaise with my camera makes me happy, going to funerals makes me sad. Bingeing on Netflix makes me sad, going to a dance party makes me happy, actually what really makes me happy is writing my own tv series scripts, etc. You got it! 

There is so much more to the Saturn transit and learnt happiness. This is just a quick channelling for the Lion’s Gate, roaring with laughter and wishing you an awesome summer. Just please don’t think this is already the end of the summer…. Unless you have a natal Mercury / Saturn conjunction then I get it, hard not to state the obvious while your 4 of Cups stays always empty! Or is it the 8 of Cups?

A reminder of Tropical and Sidereal dates for Cancer and Leo:

Tropical Cancer dates June 22 – July 22
Sidereal Cancer July 17 – August 16

Tropical Leo dates July 23 – August 23
Sidereal Leo August 17 – September 16

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and Cosmic Serpent Journey shamanic prophetess, living in the Shawangunk Mountains.