Aquarian Full Moon of Embodied Wisdom.

by Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars

August 19th, 2024, 2:25 PM EST
Tropical: Moon at 27° Aquarius 15′, Sun at 27° Leo 15′
Sidereal: Moon at 3° Aquarius 03′ (Dhanishta Nakshatra), Sun at 3° Leo 03′ (Magha Nakshatra)
Royal Star Regulus at 5° Leo Sidereal; 29° Leo, Tropical
Royal Star Fomalhaut at 9° Aquarius Sidereal; 3° Pisces, Tropical

Being born in the times of technological advancement (Uranus speaking) allows every one of us to be the Sumerian or Babylonian Priestess able to follow the planetary cycles with the ease of her phone pointed out to the Universe above us, and indeed all around us as we sail through the space on our Spaceship Earth (Neptunian vibes), those energies are embodied by the ongoing Uranus / Neptune sextile in effect for another two years activating the spiritual awakening – lifting the veil – at the level we are ready for.

The current Lunar Cycle began on August 4th, 2024 with the New Moon conjunct Polaris, in Ursa Minor and and culminates on August 19th, 2024 at 2:25 pm EST, with the Moon in the constellation of Aquarius and the Sun in Leo. This Full Moon eases off the polarization between the East and West, as it takes place on the Leo/Aquarius axis in both Sidereal and Tropical systems with the Sun aligned with the Royal Star Regulus.

The constellation of Aquarius in the Celestial Atlas by Alexander Jamieson, published in 1822. 

Western, Tropical Zodiac: Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Leo conjunct Mercury, Vesta & aligned with Regulus.

Uranian Embodied astrology

The culmination of the cycle brings the Full Moon with its potential for resolution through the Sun stellium trine to Chiron. Sun conjunct Mercury Rx and Vesta opposing the Moon, both squaring Uranus as an apex to the Full Moon. Mercury Rx calls for revisions and reconsiderations while Vesta demands release of energy. One of possible expressions is learning new tools and modalities (Mercury) on how to embody/ unblock sexual energy, and kundalini flow (Vesta). Aligning one’s energy centers (Sun) through the visualization (Mercury) of chakras’ harmonious circulation (Vesta, Moon). Activating the body through play, dance, ChiGong, Yoga or BaSla – Baltic and Slavic animal movement inspired dance – is in!

Uranus, an apex to the Full Moon, is also the ruler of this Full Moon. Associated with science, technology but also astrology and all things original and unconventional, it encourages us to look at things from outside of the box, finding new solutions to old problems.

Uranian archetypes

Amongst the myriads of the Uranian archetypes are the Paradigm-Shifter, The Rebel, the Force For Change, the Inventor, the Idealist, and the Genius. There is also a powerful female archetype of UrAna, the Queen of Heavens which you can read about in my article UrAna, The Prophetess:

Star aligned with the Full Moon: the Sun with Regulus opposing the Moon

 In Ancient Egypt, the constellation of Leo was considered to be free of karma, those born under its light were entering onto this earthly plane without the burden, thus free to act. The word “karma” comes from the Proto-Indo-Aryan and Proto-Indo-Iranian root word “kar” to act. Therefore, karma is the accumulation of actions through the soul’s journey.

Tuning into the electromagnetic power of this galactic alignment with the Royal 👑 Stars, and in particular Regulus, anyone with a strong Leo/Aquarius axis can experience a deep psychological shift – quantum becoming where personal limitations are being transmuted through the clarity of transmitted energy. 

The Sun aligned with the star REGULUS in the Leo Constellation, SkyView app of an Sumerian Priestess

Shakti of Creation

Regulus is one of the four stars located in the fixed signs and representing the occult power within the Zodiac (known as Shaktis). While Regulus stands for the power to create, Aldebaran stands for the power to manifest on the earthly plane, Antares the power to transform, and Fomalhaut, the power to connect and build community. As the energies of Regulus which is the star in the Leo constellation come with a clean karmic slate, bathe in them and create your destiny accordingly.

Vedic, Sidereal: Moon in Aquarius, in Dhanishta Nakshatra, Sun in Leo, in Magha Nakshatra.

In the Vedic chart the Moon enters Aquarius where Saturn resides being also the planetary ruler of the sign. Moon at 3°03’ Aquarius, in Dhanishta Nakshatra ruled by Mars and located partly in the constellation of Capricorn and partly in Aquarius, both signs ruled by the planet Saturn. Mars / Saturn combination gives focus, perseverance and good sense of timing, making this placement particularly favourable for long term projects leading towards a distant goal with the ambition to fulfill a purpose – Martial energy channelled through Saturn.

The governing deities here are the AshtaVasus (also known as Vasus), eight solar Gods of energy and light. They are elemental gods representing earth, fire, water, wind, space, sun, moon and stars, supporting the God Indra and Vishnu, and protecting people from misfortunes.

The symbols of Dhanishta are Flute and Shiva’s Drum known as Damaru that plays the rhythm of the Universe, thus natives born under this Nakshatra are often known for possessing musical gifts and a great sense of rhythm. Music, dance and performance are particularly supported by the energies of Dhanishta which is also associated with fame and abundance.

With Astral Love,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and an artist originally from Masuria Lake District and currently living in the Shawangunk Mountains.