by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured artwork AI by AstroCreatrix
August 1st, 2023, 2:31 PM EST
Sidereal: Sun 15° Cancer 04’ Nakshatra Pushya, Moon 15° Capricorn 04’ Nakshatra Shravana
Star Altair, Eye of an Eagle, 6° Capricorn 47’
Tropical: Sun 9° Leo 15’, Moon 9° Aquarius 15’
The Western World’s obsession with Aquarius, and the Aquarian Era is only comparable to its obsession with Barbie, right? It is what it is. The Western Civilization, currently driven by the American empire, and in the past represented by the destructive force of Christianity has been devouring, distorting and destroying countries and cultures since its inception. Whenever the Western people move, they know it all, they know it better than the indigenous, and the locals, they love seeing themselves as wise teachers, and the messengers of freedom, and they are always eager to turn everything into a thriving capitalist market, or the stage to blow up their egos in whatever disguise it comes. But that’s not the vision of the Aquarian Era, we would like to perpetuate…
Rule number one of the Aquarian Era: learn your astronomy.
Agni Jnana
…so here is a tale of the 5th dimension for us all to meditate in the Moonlight.
The Moon in Capricorn, in Shravana Nakshatra
If you look up the sky using any of the sky apps available on your phone with more power of analyzing the astronomical data than the tools the Sumerian Priestesses, you shall see that during this Full Moon, the Moon is in the constellation of Capricorn, and the Sun in Cancer.
In the Vedic tradition, this is the Moon Mansion called Shravana, where we are experiencing intuitive absorption of ancestral teachings, therefore, this Moon Mansion is also known as The Star of Learning.
Shravana situated entirely in the sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, currently transiting Shatabishak Nakshatra in the constellation of Aquarius. Shravana gives us the power of connecting to others, sharing our experiences, insights and also absorbing other people’s lessons. It comes with a warning though so as to be aware of false gurus.
The symbols for Shravana are: an ear for listening (Sanskrit verb sru means “to hear”), three footprints of Vishnu, and a trident as 3-fold knowledge. The three footprints of Vishnu represent the three stars in the head of the eagle, Aquilla constellation, with the Star Altair, the Eye of an Eagle at 6° 47’ Capricorn,
as its brightest body.

Shravana is also connected with the Pipal (also Peepal) Tree, the sacred fig, where Buddha attained enlightenment through listening to the voice of the divine within.

Vishnu, the deity of this Mansion is the preserver of the universe. He helps us to perceive the truth of manifestation concealed by the world of maya.
This nakshatra represents the power of providing connection (samhanana shakti) and people born under its influence possess ability to guide others to their paths of life.

The Sun in Cancer, in Pushya Nakshatra
The Sun is currently in the constellation of Cancer, in Pushya Nakshatra represented as The Star of Nourishment. Pushya ruled by Saturn resides entirely in the constellation of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, therefore we look at the energies of Saturn & Moon combined like in a conjunction. This is not an easy alignment, but in this Moon Mansion we look at the idea of selfless sacrifice to truly care for others and to build emotional stability. Pushya Nakshatra teaches us that it takes true wisdom and sacrifice to care for others and to be of benefit to others. We learn to be wise and patient.
This energy is an antidote to the selfishness and “me first” attitude of Western individualism with its destructive superiority of patriarchy and Western white privilege, reminding us that to thrive we need a community where all the members are equally fulfilled, acknowledged, and nourished.
Western, Tropical Zodiac

Full Moon in Aquarius, Tropical
This Full Moon on the Leo / Aquarius axis creates opportunities to understand the symbols and cycles that govern our civilization. Sun opposition Moon opens up the Aquarian Portal, showing us a glimpse of what is possible if the ego and soul energies resolve the polarity: the individual and the collective, the personal and the universal. Those cosmic tensions expand our understanding and our comfort zones towards the direction we need to go in order to serve our soul’s highest purpose.
Through the Aquarian Portal we enter the Aquarian Paradigm-shifting, Uranus the ruler of this Full Moon, Tropical solves the problem from the outside, rendering it irrelevant. Moving to the new level requires a complete disruption and reorganization of all the information from the old level; revolutionary energies may bring on chaos so as to reorganize the system into a new entity.
Uranus brings the capacity to change dimensions – share your intuitive insights with others so the “critical mass” needed for the paradigm shift can be reached!
During this time, we are also celebrating Lughnasadh (July 31-August2nd) with an enchanting essay by Hagar Harpak @hagarharpak
Vedic or Western
Tropical Cancer dates June 22 – July 22
Sidereal Cancer July 17 – August 16
Tropical Leo dates July 23 – August 23
Sidereal Leo August 17 – September 16
In my astrology practice I follow both systems Western, Tropical and Eastern, Sidereal aka Vedic astrology known as Jyotish, the Science of Light, and also astronomy which I call Star Astrology while others call it Galactic Astrology. My cultural heritage transcribes with the ancient Vedic influences still present within the folk traditions and linguistic affiliations. Western culture of Christianity tried to erase all of the ancient Slavic knowledge, and sadly that thorough and ruthless conquest destroyed most of the teachings with a particular focus on touring all of the female deities into demonic entities… But it is never too late to awaken to the truth and to rediscover the gnosis that has been part of my ancestors since the Neolithic era when the Slavic people shared the same ancient Proto-Indo-European language from which the Sanskrit emerged leaving a strong linguistic presence in my mother tongue. Check out my article on Mokosh = moksha, Slavic Goddess of Water as conscious entity and Sanskrit term for “enlightenment”.
With this short introduction through the epochs let me explain the main difference between the Vedic and Western systems of astrology. Jyotish is focused on the movement of the Moon with its 27 Nakshatras (Moon Mansions) and Western is Sun based emphasizing 12 Zodiac signs. Vedic is also using the constellations that actually became a part of the Vedic system around 300 BC with the influences from hellenistic astrology which gave birth to the Western system as well. However, while the Western system is using a static calendar frozen is time some 2000 years ago and based on March Equinox set for 0 degrees of Aries, Jyotish follows the actual constellations giving us the astronomical view of the sky.
I follow both systems…and more… But mostly, I love looking up to the sky just like the ancient priestesses did long time ago!
Wishing you a beautiful Full Moon in the constellation of Capricorn!
With Cosmic Love,
Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana Yannanda, which translates from Sanskrit as Mystic Fire, is an astrologer and Cosmic Serpent Journey shamanic prophetess, living in the Shawangunk Mountains.