9:33 pm PT 0:33 am ET, 5:33 am GMT, 2019
Full moons symbolize a peak of energies, and occur when the Sun (the ego) opposes the Moon (the soul). Through the external pressures, antagonistic energies bring up inner conflicts to the surface. This may translate into obstacles between your home and work; your desires and your needs. The cosmic tensions are mostly felt on the personal level as full moons are focused on the emotional and instinctual, allowing you to gain insight into the dynamics of your intimate relationships, and through the power of intuitive insight, adjust them accordingly.
This Full Moon in Pisces occurs on September 14th in New York (check your time zone accordingly), the Sun is at 21 degrees and 5 minutes of Virgo conjunct Mars at 17 degrees and the Moon opposite to the Sun at 21 degrees and 5 minutes of Pisces conjunct with Neptune the ruler of this Full Moon. Neptune can represent a myriad of archetypes from The Dreamer, the Visionary, the Mystic, the Escape-Artist, and the Invisible One, to the Counselor, the Saint, and also the Martyr. He is the great Visionary with artistic talents, the musician who can hear the music of the spheres, the Filmmaker, as well as the Psychic, the Trance Medium, the Spiritual Guide, the Illusionist, and the Pretender.
Sun at 21 Virgo receives a powerful energising trine to Pluto at 20 degrees of Capricorn, while Mars is supported by the trine to Saturn that can bring a power injection and long lasting results to the actions initiated during this time, in the areas of Virgo realm: daily routines, health, work, and everything that may improve your life.
There are particular energies during this period, with most of the planets in mutable and earthy signs. Strong elements of earth gives this planetary alignment the goal-oriented, ambitious and grounding tone with Sun, and Mars, as well as Venus and Mercury, conjunction in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. At the same time the mutability brings the flexibility and openness to what needs to shift so we could fully realize the potential of this Full Moon.
With Jupiter in Sagittarius as an apex to t-square on the Virgo-Pisces axis, with Sun and Mars on one end and Moon and Neptune on the other, you may be struggling with the integration of typical Virgo energies expressed through the need for perfection and endless to do lists and the freedom loving, daydreaming, Neptunian Moon. Avoid putting pressure on yourself: do what you can, as well as you can which is good enough. The Virgo energies will lessen up once Venus and Mercury move to Libra over the weekend.
Since Neptune is affecting this Full Moon with a lot of energy, your emotional nature will be in direct connection with your higher eternal self that is all knowing and contains all the answers. You are also likely to travel into other realms, so open yourself up to those psychic experiences, indulge the need to daydream, or sleep, as during your slumbers you may receive powerful visions and unexpected injections of creative ideas.
Neptune is the Compassionate One, the planet that rules the sign representing our era of Pisces, but he is also the Chameleon, two fishes swimming in opposite directions, unsure which one is right and which one will ultimately decide on the course. The last couple of thousand years of the Piscean epoch wasn’t exactly peaceful and loving, as if Pisces were still struggling to shake of the previous human era of ego driven, and war loving Aries before stepping into the era of detached and equality bringing Aquarius.
During this Full Moon we can gain valuable insights on what it means to us to be selfless and compassionate without giving up our needs and desires. Pisceans can hear MUSIC OF THE SPHERES so tune in to this mantra from ASTRALOOP, guiding you towards a more awoke living:
The self beyond the ego
For more ethereal electronica please join a group of musicians and artists at NOUMENA: MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. Autumn Equinox event on Saturday, September 21st at The Park Church Co-op.
We are now consciously moving away from hierarchical Pisces era that could be described using Shakespearean dilemma “to be or not to be”. Through this phrase we may understand the spiritual rules of the Piscean times in which one needs a higher order, faith, religion, a belief system, because the knowledge / gnosis belongs to the elite, and the individual needs such a belief system to exist. The evolving planetary culture and the planetary awareness are directing us towards the era of equality and technology or equality through technology…where we all have equal access to the gnosis / data which results in the mastery of self realisation inscribed within a formula “be to be”. The Self knows it all, the self beyond the ego, here to express itself fully.
Following my recent performance piece in which I have been co-creating a set of astrological symbols, I am adding to my astro update insights from Chandra and Sabian symbols. Below, an insightful vision for the 22 degree of Virgo from “Inside Degrees” book by Ellias Lonsdale, who created a comprehensive descriptions of Chandra and Sabian symbols. Note while analysing the symbols if the planet occurs at 21 degree it is represented by 22 degree as the first degree is 0 degree… (!!)

Virgo 22
A woman writing with the tip of her fingernail.
Sharply attuned. Self-consistent. Always telling the same story in variations – autobiography. So much to say, such a lineage to articulate and reveal. Being brilliantly tuned in to every nuance of your own superfine sensibility and not missing a stitch. Eerily intent upon staying on course and witnessing how it is done, why it is done, with a dispassionate gaze. Selected by destiny to be the one to exemplify the way it should be done. Willing and able to do this forever and do nothing else. So straight and narrow that it becomes idiosyncratic and self-referential. The name of the game is to call the shots, to stay on top of the situation and to tap every level of intelligence to make your way purely and precisely where you were intended to be, in the master plan being followed utterly.
Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars
with her Moon…in Pisces!