by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured artwork Miwa Komatsu
December 26th, 2023, 7:33 PM EST
Sidereal: Moon at 10°46′ Gemini (Ardra), Sun at 10°46′ Sagittarius (Moola)
Tropical: Moon at 4°58′ Cancer, Sun at 4°58′ Capricorn
This Lunar Cycle began on December 12th, and culminates on December 26th with the Moon at 10°46′ Sidereal Gemini, in the Nakshatra Ardra, opposing the Sun at at 10°46′ Sagittarius (Moola), and at 4°58′ Cancer, Tropical opposing the Sun at at 4°58′ Capricorn, Tropical.

Tropical, Western Chart
The major aspect of this Full Moon is the trine between the Moon in Cancer and Saturn at 2°49′ Pisces which balances the oppositional forces of the Full Moon making us feel secure and content with life in general. This aspect brings a feeling of stability and reliability to our relations and also promises a lasting quality to any new relationships that emerge during this time. In some cases it enhances psychic premonitions and interest in past life regression which can be particularly insightful under this influence.
There is also a sextile between the Moon and Jupiter at 5°36′ Taurus which brings good fortune, optimism and generosity making our relationships smooth and pleasant. This aspect enhances our intuition guiding us toward the right choices in accordance with our highest good. All together, this seems like a really good time to socialize and focus on our friendships.

Retro Joys – Mercury Rx in full swing!
As we are still in the full swing of the Mercury Rx, it’s wise to keep up with some healthy dose of detachment to any challenges that may arise. Mercury started its retrograde motion on Dec 12th, 2023 in the sign of Capricorn at 8 degrees, and will continue the backward motion until January 1st, 2024 when it reaches 22 degrees of Sagittarius.
Retrograde phases are a good time to slow down, and to take a little extra time and care with communication. Yet it’s also possible to approach them as a journey of discovery and reclamation.
Retrograde periods always require you to revise and re-assess things whether it’s your work, financial situation, relationships, friendships, love, health or habits. It’s a good idea to take a closer look at the area of your life where the retrograde takes place, however, during the retrograde period it is important not to make any rash revolutionary decisions. Simply re-evaluate your circumstances in an analytical (Mercury) manner, but wait while making your decisions for when the Rx period is over.

With cosmic blessings,
Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars