I am the women you see here before
A women in fire you branded as whore
Yes my passion is deep through my pussy it runs
Yes my magic is power more than little mens guns
Feral like creature Ill rip you apart
Yes ill cut off your head and then eat out your heart
I am violently trained by your violence tward me
On my sisters who fought on these streets to be free
Well now I have the knife and its my time to start
This new revolution women raging through art
So bring forth the darkness let it fill up my blood
Let the night in my veins let me draw form the mud
Form the roots, from the rock form the magma inside
Mother earth give me strength to go forth in deaths stride
Women be ready reign of men it is done
For the underworlds here now lets go have some fun
Let us burn let us rage let us purge out our fright
Never more we are silenced we now take back the night
The poem was performed as part of Witches’ March curated by Maria Mars Tsaguria /Goddexx of Georgia of Cult24

Gabrielle, the elusive mistress of darkness describes herself as a perpetually naked trans warrior here for world domination. Originally from Sydney Australia, relocated back to brooklyn this august after developing her career as a performance artist in her hometown, Gabrielle has begun to spread her soul and her pussy all over the city as she practices her art of radical trans visibility. Gabrielle is a performance artist, musician, dancer, actress, director, makeup artist, stylist and first and foremost a revolutionary spirit sent to break down stigmas and socialised beliefs of the trans femme experience. She works towards enlightening the world to the beauty of raw trans power, and sets herself in the path of artists like Bowie and Gaga; she is here to change the world. This witch claws her way through life, she has known pain, she is queen of pleasure, and together she combines them and births her radically savagely beautiful art into the world.