By Yannanda
December 21st, 1:30 pm EST, 2020.
Winter Solstice, December 21st, 5:03 am EST.
The exact Saturn-Jupiter conjunction takes place on December 21st at 1:30 pm EST at 0°29′ Aquarius in Tropical system, Western astrology, and at 6°20′ Capricorn, Sidereal, Vedic astrology in the Nakshatra Uttaraṣāḍhā.

It happens on the day of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, and the beginning of the winter which takes place at 5:03 am EST.
Although Great Conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn occur every 20 years, this year is special because they are closest to each other than they have been since 1226. On the sky they look like one luminary, and if you look at them with a telescope, it seems that Saturn is as close to Jupiter as Jupiter’s Moons.

What to expect from the Jupiter / Saturn conjunction?
The energies of Jupiter, The Philosopher and the Adventurer are idealistic and future oriented, Jupiter expands whatever it touches, while Saturn the Builder and the Achiever, always offers reality check. These two together allow us to ground our ambitions in realistic ways.
The conjunction of Jupiter, the Great Benefic, with Saturn, The Wise Old One, God of Time (in Vedic astrology portrayed as the Great Malefic) brings the opportunity to utilize Saturn’s capacity for goal setting with Jupiterian optimism. Jupiter’s enthusiasm and luck allows us to take on projects with excitement necessary to undertake the most ambitious ventures. Keep that in mind, and make the most of the energies of these two planets as the projects you set right now may have long lasting effects.
To make the most of this conjunction, it’s important to see which area of life is being affected. Determine the house, check if it falls on the angles, conjuncts any other planet or creates an aspect to the natal planets. It will help you determine the area of life where you want to get ahead and use Jupiter and Saturn to lay the foundations in that area. While Saturn helps you build structures, it’s best to plan and dream big at the beginning of the conjunction as once Jupiter moves further away from Saturn in 2021, everything will slow down and may also be harder to implement without the lucky strike of Jupiter. So plan and build now when you have the planetary energies bringing you the best of both “worlds”.
Saturnian Form
Saturn represents structures and authority both external and internal. To live up to the highest calling of this planet you need to accept the responsibility for manifesting your own goals. With this conjunction we are called to acknowledge ourselves as the creators of authority, and need to recognize our power to climb above self-imposed limitations through the practical skills of organizing and managing.
Internalize the responsibility you hold over your own life, actions, potential for change, and impact on the community you are part of, an ever-evolving quantum dance of existence. Live up to your words, take responsibility for what you promised and committed to regardless of how big or small your obligations are. You have a choice. You are free to act, so if you choose integrity then Saturn, the God of Time and Duty will nod approvingly as you overcome the fear to act, and push the limits of personal comfort to take responsibility for your own life and those who are part of it.
Jupiterian Promise
Jupiter represents our belief system, religion, ideology, search for truth, and freedom. It’s a planet of growth that expands and improves every area that is affected by its trajectory. Life seems to flow more easily during a Jupiter transit, and whatever you set out to do usually succeeds just as you intended.

Cosmic Plan
The Great Conjunction represents an enormous energetic wave as part of the Cosmic Plan to raise the consciousness and live up to the fullness of our spiritual potential. Use these energies to build structure in your life that will last in the upcoming years.
Happy Solstice, Earthlings!
And for those of you interested in world mythologies, here is how the Slavic and Baltic people celebrate this magical time of the year known as Szczodre Gody (Winter Solstice) and Koleda (the twelve days that follow):

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars