May 18th 17:11PM GMT 21:11
In astrology, full moons symbolize a peak of energies and occur when the Sun (the ego) opposes the Moon (the soul). Through the external pressures, antagonistic energies bring up inner conflicts to the surface. This may translate into obstacles between our home and work; our desires and our needs. The cosmic tensions are mostly felt on the personal level as full moons are focused on the emotional and instinctual, allowing us to gain insight into the dynamics of our intimate relationships, and through the power of intuitive insight, adjust them accordingly.
This Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on May 18th at 17:11 UTC. However, this is a very special week with cosmic portals opening since the powerful earthy trine of Pluto and Sun on May 13th, teaching us about power, and also our personal power. Its energies are mighty and resonate throughout the whole week enforced by the Pluto Saturn South Node conjunction which teaches us to take responsibility for our action and words, and especially the way we talk to ourselves. Following up on the energies from the New Moon on May 4th, this week gives us a good chance to revise the communication patterns we established in our close relationships.
It’s also an opportunity to release the South Node karmic tensions as the Moon creates a sextile to the mighty conjunction. Pluto and Saturn represent the male archetypes synonymous with the structures of the patriarchy, while the North Node in 20 degree of Cancer embodies the matriarchy. On the collective plane, these archetypes create energetic tension that is looking for ways to release. Pluto – Saturn – South Node conjunction indicates the direction of our collective evolution, the old system must change as the structures have outlived it’s relevance for society and now hinder the development of humanity. This overpowering aspect to the North Node in Cancer, the archetype of the mother, the feminine and our emotional reality, is likely to create outbursts of frictions. But it also presents the potential for the quantum leap in consciousness. The karmic destiny indicates that the feminine needs to be acknowledged and established as a vital source of wisdom in our societal discourse. Inherently, the Cosmos tells us we need to tune to the planetary awareness of the Great Mother Earth, and the womanly nurturing, compassion and creative juno (juno is the feminine version of the Roman genius). The value shift is supported through this Full Moon axis between the Moon in Scorpio in the 2nd house of finances, possessions, values, and the Sun in the 8th house of business transactions, collective resources, sexuality, life, and death matters. We can see clear imbalances in those areas within our society; resistance to change will only fuel the chaos, the structures that created economic and cultural disparities need to evolve for the human potential to align with the comic imprint.
Like the combine energies of Venus and Uranus that meet only once a year, May 18th is going to be special. Venus, the planet of beauty, love, and arts falls into the embrace of the slow-moving generational planet Uranus in Taurus. This combination is known to create an aura of magnetic attraction as well as bestow on us creative genius or juno!
The Sun and Mercury conjunction in the 8th house will act as a mediator to alleviate the tensions of the Full Moon. Mercury can help us to engage in conversation to understand the depths of our hearts.

The insightful psychic Scorpio needs to channel and release the built-up tension, the awareness of misaligned energies in our divided world; with the Sun-Mercury conjunction you can funnel it into the practical ideas that have a grounding in reality and that can bear fruit to tangible outcomes. Collectively we need concepts with applications that will honour life on our planet, and on a very intimate level, this is an opportunity to foster new communications patterns, change/improve the way you talk to yourself, and how you honour the anima and animus in you and in others.
Yannanda, May 16th, 13:00 PM, Moon in Libra, Virgo Rising.
Featured Artwork Ventiko “Justice” 2016
Conceived during the transition of the Sun through the sign of Cancer.