
Planting My Abortion


by Sophie Strandimage featuring Music Pink and Blue by Georgia O’Keefe Once again, our governments and the Orwellian-speak pro-lifers (who are anything but pro-life),have…

My Abortion Was Pro-Life (My Life)


Though I wasn’t particularly religious, and had been a pro-choice feminist killjoy my entire life, I never thought that I would personally choose to get an abortion. But here I was, weeping on the bathroom floor, knowing that I stood before a crossroads where both paths ended in death.

Juno’s Diary. Dragons, demons and the 12th house transits.


Sun transiting through the 12th house represents the most inward journey of the Sun. When what we perceive as our ego energies is being immersed in the sea of collective unconscious but also our personal, often hidden, dark mythology. The land of dragons, demons, and fears, our own shadowy queendom we push to the brims of awareness… They exist in this state of darkness until they are activated by a planetary transit. Within one’s Astral Grimoire we travers different areas of life at a particular moment, it’s different for each person.