
homesteading era


Creatively, that is what I miss most right now: in-person community. The emotional presence that comes from physical presence cannot be replicated online. We can still form connections in virtual spaces, but they’re different than the connections we form in physical spaces.

Estudio de agua / Water Study


Estudio de agua por Esteban Acosta Eliminado el sentidoen silencio lo sensorialbucea agudo sin pretenderla esencia de la mirada. Ondulantes y elásticaslas comisuras del…

The Facial Angle


Translation of El Ángulo Facial, by Luis VidalesAntología Poética, 2006Translation by Tony Oats. The Facial Angle When they introduced me to him, I was…

which is noblest


Tony Oats’ Colombian Spanish translation of ATM 1 poem by Stewart Home from his latest “SEND CA$H” collection. ATM 1 There are 3 ways…

You are your own poetry machine!


We can all be poets and linguistic warriors. And if we can win our wars for the liberation of language we can win something else in the bargain: The ability to express ourselves again. Or at least have fun trying.

The Invisible Deers


By Miah Artola The Invisible Deers  My first healer was irritated and said I needed to take myself in hand. This did not help…