Creatrix Pod 3 – Bianca Hlywa Interview
byThis is episode 3 and our guest artist is the utterly unique Bianca Hlywa. Working with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast also known…
This is episode 3 and our guest artist is the utterly unique Bianca Hlywa. Working with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast also known…
Though I wasn’t particularly religious, and had been a pro-choice feminist killjoy my entire life, I never thought that I would personally choose to get an abortion. But here I was, weeping on the bathroom floor, knowing that I stood before a crossroads where both paths ended in death.
feautred image Sarah Bereza Psillocybic Eucharist from The Art Rites of Passage article. 2021 was a great year at the CREATRIX Magazine Cosmic Love…
Poison oscillates. It spirals in the cauldron of those pagan brewers. And it is often associated with those people that a culture is trying to destroy – the women, the witches, the magicians, the lovers, the herbalists.
When we cut down the forest to grow a single crop, not only do we destroy a network of billions of organisms that took thousands- maybe millions- of years to evolve, but we also kill the land itself. Within a few years it will lose all of its ability to sustain life.
Earth without the microbiome is just dust.
Though it is a word that has carried so much stigma and shame, FAT is incredibly vital to our well-being. Most of the vitamins that we depend on for survival are fat soluble. Fat keeps our tissues healthy and high functioning, and moisturizes our bodies from the inside out.
Plant magic goes so much deeper than consumption. We do not have to harvest, disturb or consume plants to receive their medicines. There is immense healing power just in noticing them.
Birds do it, bees do it, even the flowers and the trees do it. Mammals do it with interlocking genitals, fish do it in a school. Nobody knows how eels do it, but they’re definitely doing it. Fungi do it- probably more than anyone.