Blender Bodies
byWe all come from somewhere, we all come from everywhere.
Our bodies are live blenders of heritage, history, family, rituals and beliefs.
We all come from somewhere, we all come from everywhere.
Our bodies are live blenders of heritage, history, family, rituals and beliefs.
You can expect intensely thoughtful live performance projects that explore the immigrant experience, physical endurance, the engendered body, sonic transformation and well, the unexpected!
i found myself believing, as i performed new/mind/ritualz 13, that LOVE, as expressed through art + real life, are not lost art forms after all. whether it’s a self-love potion you ritualizing, or a next-level affair of the heart with a fellow wildcat. it’s a delicious use our time to go deeply with both ourselves and each other.
by Jana Astanov I was something stronger I was carried upwardto that present bonding time like a widening spellbound ripple our bodies absorbed the…
Venus is rising through the Shamanatrix LOVOLUTION activation. Tune in!
Chiron in Aries forms an opposition to the Super Moon bringing forward all the themes related to the wounded healer archetype within the collective and individual psyches. Whenever Chiron becomes activated he offers potential for radical transformation and healing archetypal energy.
The search for peace is an endless human endeavor. I feel that we live in an increasingly violent and unstable time, and I think it is important to counteract violence and fear by promoting art performances that inspire tolerance and mutual understanding.
Birds of Equinox by Jana Astanov, Published by Red Temple Press Priestess of Impermanence, Jana Astanov is a multidisciplinary artist and a poet. Her work…