byDecember 28th conference Art as Spiritual Practice, Art as Activism organized by Creatrix Magazine. Part of NOUMENA: deLIGHT magic & shamanism series with an art show “Altars, Portals &Grottos”.
December 28th conference Art as Spiritual Practice, Art as Activism organized by Creatrix Magazine. Part of NOUMENA: deLIGHT magic & shamanism series with an art show “Altars, Portals &Grottos”.
Art can show us a picture of how the world might one day be – as a warning or as an aspiration. Art can represent an ideal that is just out of reach, the pain of the sight of beauty, the beauty that is not reliably held in our own lives.
It would be wrong to think that when one says “ocean,” one names a “subject.” One should be more radical and know that to say “ocean” today is to say “art.” Art without the burden of institutional life, without the ideological twists of cultural politics, art as a practice that belongs and should belong to the artists, art facing the urgency of socializing with all those who care about life.
Approach the nexus of energy and magic which lies at the heart of art and the spiritual tuning your senses to the music and light, auric visions possible only along a frequency of truly mystical perception, uniting ART and MAGIC.
by Yannanda An Eclipse (“the act of seizing or holding”), or occultation, is formed when the Sun/Surya or Moon/Candra is obstructed from view by…
The idea behind this show is to fulfill the human need for spiritual experiences bringing light and hope during the darkest time of the year, and therefore to transgress the darkness, to connect with the community through the experience of oneness, to raise beyond the divisions of faith, and to celebrate the transition into the new year.
Plato described the role of an artist as the one who translates the meanings of the cosmic consciousness for the rest of us. But it seems the American public receives only the banana art, funny and meaningless to the crowds of Art Basel, but less so to those in Miami who make $8.46 per hour, the state’s minimum wage.
This Full Moon in Gemini occurs on December 12th at 12:12 AM in New York (check your time zone accordingly). The last full moon of 2019, it is known as a Cold Moon or a Long Night’s Moon, as the winter species nears bringing the longest darkest nights of the year.