Shining Creative Light Onto Social Issues
byConversation with Film Producer Federico Guarascio “We intended to show the human part of our subjects, not their misfortunes or their misery. We were…
Conversation with Film Producer Federico Guarascio “We intended to show the human part of our subjects, not their misfortunes or their misery. We were…
Aries represents pure outlet for swiftness and acceleration. The Martian order is: “Go, go, go!” in the direction defined by the Equinox chart, and the transition of Saturn into Aquarius tells us to build systems that connect people, leading towards a more equitable, science based society.
Mokosz, Jadeive, Oceanix, Ix Chel, Yemaya, Goddess of Water, Oceans, Seas calling upon the collective psyche, within the deepest unconscious mind, those salty pools of memory not shaped by any personal experience but genetically transmitted, our human inheritance, shared, and reshaped by each generation. And here we weave, we dance, we sing our final notes of the Piscean era…
The archetype of Virgo, brings us back to the origins of our civilization and the first accounts of astrology as the cosmic religion. In the ancient Sumer, the most important, live-giving deity was known as Innana, with her symbolism as the Goddess of Love, the most powerful force in the Universe.
This performance is a mourning for loss. An action to embody something as abstract as issue of climate change.
Translation of El Ángulo Facial, by Luis VidalesAntología Poética, 2006Translation by Tony Oats. The Facial Angle When they introduced me to him, I was…
This New Moon also forms a beautiful Minor Trine with two sextiles, one to Mars, exalted in Capricorn, and another to Uranus in Taurus. The energies of the Sun and Moon facilitate the naturally flowing exchange between Mars and Uranus, connected by the trine, enabling it more conscious expression of the planetary energies.
The seemingly impulsive way of art making is grounded in his strong familiarity with various materials and his capability to predict and respond to them quickly.