
make your mark


Once I decided to focus my attention on positive intentions to manifest home improvements, financial growth and new work concepts, then I started a new series of drawings, booked a couple of virtual studio visits with art dealers and created a new online masterclass mentorship program to help other artists.

Midnight Dance Theater: Dreams could either come true or be lost.


7Midnights Physical Research is dedicated to the exploration of 7 social issues: Class, Education, Ability, Sexuality, Race, Age, Gender. Each of the Midnight series will cover two or more than three topics of these social issues through dance and music. Artists’ works will express one or more themes of the seven social issues aligning with their thinking of dance/music and society.

Healing our collective past and psyche. Breonna Taylor birth chart.


Breonna’s life ended tragically and prematurely on March 13th 2020. She was murdered by the police in her own bed, just after midnight. The transiting Moon conjunct her natal Pluto at 23 degrees and 33 minutes of Scorpio squaring her natal Mars conjunct Chiron in Leo. Her natal Mercury (the messenger) in a tight one degree conjunction with the North Node in Cancer, our collective destiny.

Text to Resurrect Revolution


by Bob McNeil Countee Cullen  And I are of this consensus:  Prejudice drafts psychopaths.   Their warpaths   Transfix our people to many a crucifix.   There…

Lunar Eclipse. Full Moon in Sagittarius. June 5th 2020.


Do your part, volunteer, speak up, demonstrate, donate to legal nonprofits that support the lawful, democratic transformation. We need justice, we cannot continue to accept institutional police brutality and the inhumane treatment against black people, people of colour, immigrants, minorities, those economically disadvantaged and without the agency. We must act. Silence is violence, so speak up and do your part, however big or small it is.