Some Loose Assemblies #1
bySome Loose Assemblies #1:
Digital Art, Video Art and Live Performance event at Hundred Years Gallery, London
Some Loose Assemblies #1:
Digital Art, Video Art and Live Performance event at Hundred Years Gallery, London
Coming back to journaling as your spiritual practice, and re-focusing on your dream journal is advised, however, avoid over intellectualizing your feelings. If you are stuck in your head, earthing, grounding or forest bathing prove to be a great antidote.
Bayar’s work evokes the relationship between time and space itself. We can never fully grasp the many layered histories that shaped the world we live in today. We can only see the shape of the world.
by Agni Jnana Yannanda Retrograde phases are a good time to slow down, and to take a little extra time and care with communication….
Since this is the beginning of the eclipse season, we are to expect an eventful and intense weeks to come. It is important to consciously develop spiritual practice to protect one’s energy and sanity. Do some type of soothing ritual during an eclipse, especially if it affects a planet or point in your chart. Take time for prayer, meditation, and just centering and being silent. The intensity will be great.
“Gemini is naturally adaptable and appears to move seamlessly from one state of being to the next. It corresponds to the systems of the body that rule over adaptability, connections and communication.”
this video, unassuming and imperfect as it is, recorded on the front camera of my iphone, is a good faith deposit in the co-creative witching well of my wildest dreams: a world where i am a publicly prolific, multi-hyphenate, professional artist, embraced first and foremost by my own self, published + propelled forward into center stage by my own will and that of the audience + artists who resonate with my transmissions, eager to hold me accountable for never again hoarding my treasure chest of gifts…
I want the artworks to speak for themselves. This book is really an exhibition. As you would walk through an art show you flip the pages of the book.