
Juno’s Diary. Dragons, demons and the 12th house transits.


Sun transiting through the 12th house represents the most inward journey of the Sun. When what we perceive as our ego energies is being immersed in the sea of collective unconscious but also our personal, often hidden, dark mythology. The land of dragons, demons, and fears, our own shadowy queendom we push to the brims of awareness… They exist in this state of darkness until they are activated by a planetary transit. Within one’s Astral Grimoire we travers different areas of life at a particular moment, it’s different for each person.

An Erogenous Universe Dreams Back


The Moon’s dynamic psychicis a  feeling part of ourselvesthat subjectively tints. They say: perception of reality consistsof behavioral patterns and emotional conditioning. I say:…

The Priestess of 3rd Avenue


When she received clients, she felt connected to the vast lineages of temple priestesses, light workers and sacred prostitutes who had come before her. The powerful women who assumed the daunting task of healing traumatized men through the only language they understood- sexual release.

Sapphic Awakening on the Banks of the Seine


She turned her attention to me one last time, pushing me hard against the old stones to look deeply into my eyes.  Her pale green irises seemed especially bright against the wet, black lashes.
“Merci,” she said, her features softening.  And then she released me.

The Lambo Revolution


by Satoshi’s Nephew Satoshi died for somebody´s sins, and I’m pretty sure they were mineAnd all those degens promising anarchy only brought us hopeAnd…



by Jana Astanov To celebrate the last Full Moon of this strange strange year, I decided to bring us all some hope and laugher…

SheFi Manifesto


How would the goddess organize our world? Goddesses have no interest in centralized systems of power. Trust belongs in the hands of each and every one of us, not in the hands of giant centralized institutions. Wealth, and its transfer, finance and its benefits can be executed peer to peer and in distributed markets. This is the gift the goddesses have given us. It is the gift of a new world, free of patriarchal control over our money and our lives, and a world in which we control and share our own wealth, friend to friend and sister to sister.