
Secret Pope Ministering on Governor’s Island


The Secret Pope is a video homage to Pope Joan, considered fictional in today’s society, but a beloved story during the middle ages of a female pope that rose through the ranks of Christianity with her wit and skill. Pope Joan dressed in men’s clothes, but was discovered as a woman when she became pregnant. After she was discovered body examinations practices were put in place so that no women could rise to power in Christianity ever again. Gaze upon her as into a mirror, the Secret Pope is all of us. 

Cosmogonic Connection


Similarly to indigenous, ancient and mythical explanations of the origin of the universe, the cosmogonic connection to the world present in these bodies of work is translated by an attitude of understanding the world as one entity, which needs to be nurtured and respected in all its aspects; it is translated by a view of the world that does not put the human element above nature, and finds relevance in all small things.