Astro Creatrix

COSMIC PORTALS PART 2: Sidereal Vernal Point August 27-28


Through the opposition to today’s position of the Sun the Sidereal Vernal Point marked by the Equinox is being activated. What is this? It is the indicator of which era our civilisation is situated in. Sidereal Vernal Point moves slowly, for the last 2000 year has been within the constellation of Pisces moving towards Aquarius and as of August 2019 it is exactly in Pisces on 4 degrees 59 minutes 39 seconds.

July 31 New Moon in Leo. Inspired Fire.


Leo is a sign described by ancient astronomers as free of karma. Therefore, the portals to the essence of our souls are open, and we are invited to explore the creative life in search of self-discovery, satisfaction, and as a result, more authentic connection to all beings.

Full Moon In Sagittarius June 17 Portal of Expansion


This Full Moon also signifies opening of the cosmic portals as it sits right by the Galactic Center located at approximately 26-27 degrees of Sagittarius. Galactic Center is the center of the Milky Way, its brightest point through which the divine consciousness is being transmitted. The energies poured through the Sun-Moon axis connected to the Galactic portal encourage us to seek freedom and truth on individual and collective level.



Expect a stimulating time with a lot of active energy. Use the quality of fast-thinking to make plans, socialize, travel, make new connections, and get things done. Venus, at 23 degrees of Taurus, trines both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, bringing much needed grounding energy and also activating our social life.