
to venture inward


My practice during this time is to insist on a world that doesn’t recede our souls so much that we cannot fathom the realness of death. I insist to live in a place where the hyper-dimensional status of ‘being human’ is held in its fullness.

learning to pause


I am grateful for a pause. I have always put everything before my art, until there’s nothing left to give. Now there’s not as much to prioritize in front of it. All the thoughts and project ideas banging around in my head for months, even years, may finally find a way out in coming months. It’s at least giving me something to look forward to during these uncertain times, and it’s certainly keeping me motivated day to day.

personal and collective healing


I am thinking what it takes to heal from such traumatic experiences and what we as artists need to do to support our personal and collective healing. For me personally healing is an ongoing multidisciplinary art practice that I am involved in daily.



High Prieztezz Or Nah’s ‘Rona Era Rihanna Remix Creatrix Magazine is pleased to present SOCIAL GLISTENING, High Prieztezz Or Nah’s latest HIP HOP YOGA…

Our Health is Our Wealth


Our health is our wealth, and this crisis only highlights how so many human beings put their health on the back burner until it was too late, catalyzed of course by misinformation, workaholism as the norm, the splintered family relations of late-capitalism, and a medical model that obscures the basic interconnectivity of the body-mind-spirit to profit off of disease and mental illness.

My power, my voice is my art


Art workers are essential to society not solely to entertain it. In difficult times we are getting hit the hardest and we are not receiving due support. At the same time, we are somehow expected to create masterpieces during the quarantine because we have “free time” and because the “struggle is real”. Though the struggle is too real for too many, some of us do not have money to pay rent, to buy food and to provide for our families. The majority of us do not have health insurance and we are terrified of hospital bills.

homesteading era


Creatively, that is what I miss most right now: in-person community. The emotional presence that comes from physical presence cannot be replicated online. We can still form connections in virtual spaces, but they’re different than the connections we form in physical spaces.