Full SuperMoon in Aries. Wake up call.

by Agni Jnana Yannanda
Featured artwork Richard Marshall

Full Moon October 17th, 2024, 7:27 AM EST
Tropical: Sun 24° Libra 51’, Moon 24° Aries 51’
Sidereal: Sun 0° Libra 22’  Nakshatra Chitra, Moon 0° Aries 22’ Nakshatra Ashlesha
SPICA, Alpha Virginis , 29° Virgo 47’
ARCTURUS, Alpha Bootes 0° Libra 22’

This Lunar Cycle started with a powerful Solar Eclipse On October 2nd and culminates on October 17th with the Full Moon in Aries in both Vedic and Western systems.

Western, Tropical Zodiac: Moon in Aries, Sun in Libra

The energies of this Full Moon are shaped by the sextile from Jupiter to the Moon and the trine from Jupiter to the Sun, alongside the intensity of the Cardinal Grand Cross. The Jupiter aspects offer a much-needed “saving grace” amidst the complexity and potential explosiveness of the Grand Cross impasse.

Cardinal Grand Cross

The Moon at 24° Aries opposing the Sun at 24° Libra and both are squared by the Mars at 22° Cancer and Pluto at 29° Capricorn forming the Cardinal Grand Cross. Cardinal signs are initiators; they bring about change and new beginnings. A Grand Cross suggests tension between four different directions, pulling energy toward different goals, leading to a sense of conflict but also immense potential for growth and transformation.

Power dynamics vs emotional aggression

The Moon in Aries represents a deep need for emotional independence and freedom of expression, but its opposition to the Sun and square to Mars and Pluto could cause intense frustrations when faced with power struggles or opposing forces.

The squares from Mars in Cancer heighten emotional sensitivity. Mars natural aggression is dampened by Cancer’s emotional and nurturing qualities. In this configuration, Mars may feel pulled between personal emotional needs (Moon in Aries) and the desire for peace (Sun in Libra), leading to frustrations. Its opposition to Pluto can create deep, unconscious urges for control or manipulation around emotional issues.

This configuration suggests a period of high tension, where individuals or groups are pulled in conflicting directions related to independence (Aries), relationships (Libra), emotional security (Cancer), and societal power or transformation (Capricorn). Each point in this cross represents a different archetypal challenge: the need for action and emotional independence (Moon in Aries), the desire for relationship balance (Sun in Libra), the defense of emotional and familial boundaries (Mars in Cancer), and the drive for deep transformation through societal structures (Pluto in Capricorn).

Themes of power, control, and emotional protection

The squares between these planets create friction, pushing for growth through conflict. While the opposition between the Sun and Moon highlights a need to balance personal desires with relationship needs, the squares to Mars and Pluto intensify this dynamic, bringing themes of power, control, and emotional protection. Ultimately, this Grand Cross presents an opportunity for transformative growth, if the energies are integrated rather than resisted.

Charlotte Edey, The Tower, 2024

Vedic, Sidereal: Moon in Aries, in Ashwini Nakshatra, Sun in Libra, in Chitra Nakshatra.

Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra

Ashwini Nakshatra is the first Nakshatra in the Vedic astrology zodiac, located from 0°00′ to 13°20′ in Aries. It is associated with the bright twin stars known as the Ashwini Kumaras in the constellation Aries. These stars are identified as the celestial physicians who bring healing and swiftness, setting the tone for the Nakshatra’s themes of speed, action, and rejuvenation. Related to this is the Ashwini’s symbol – a horse’s head, which represents speed, agility, vitality, and leadership. Horses are associated with energy and movement, emphasizing the dynamic qualities of Ashwini.

The planetary ruler here is Ketu (South Node of the Moon), known for detachment, spiritual insight, and sudden, unexpected changes. Ketu brings mystical and spiritual energy to Ashwini emphasizing its connection with divinely inspired healing potential.

The archetypal energy of Ashwini Nakshatra is that of the pioneer and healer. This energy encourages exploration, action, and the ability to heal or transform situations rapidly. Ashwini natives are often seen as initiators or problem solvers, with a unique ability to identify solutions quickly. Their pioneering spirit drives them to break new ground in whatever field they are drawn to.

Ashwini’s wisdom

The key lesson for Ashwini Nakshatra is to balance speed with patience. While their quick decision-making and ability to act swiftly are strengths, learning when to slow down and take a more measured approach is crucial.

Ashwini also teaches the importance of healing—both self-healing and healing others. Natives of this Nakshatra are encouraged to harness their natural healing abilities and use them to bring positive change to their lives and the lives of those around them.

Sun in Libra, in Chitra Nakshatra

Chitra is associated with brilliance, beauty, and creativity. It is the 14th Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, spanning from 23°20′ Virgo to 6°40′ Libra. Its associated star is Spica, one of the brightest stars in the night sky, known for its beauty and brilliance. Chitra is symbolized by a shining jewel or a pearl, which reflects its themes of creativity, grace, and refinement.

The presiding deity is Vishwakarma, the celestial architect and craftsman of the gods. This emphasizes the nakshatra’s connection with creativity, construction, and the creation of beauty and form. The planetary ruler, Mars reflects Chitra’s dynamism and a strong drive for achievement. Its element, Fire represents its transformative and creative power, along with the passion and intensity.

Chitra’s wisdom

Chitra Nakshatra teaches the importance of balance between the material and the spiritual. While beauty, creativity, and refinement are central themes, it also warns against being overly focused on the external and forgetting the deeper, more meaningful aspects of life. The lesson of Chitra is to use one’s creative energy not just for superficial success but for deeper transformation and self-discovery.Chitra advises individuals to channel their ambition and creativity in ways that benefit not only themselves but also the larger community. The wisdom of this nakshatra lies in understanding that true beauty comes from within, and that external accomplishments are most fulfilling when they are aligned with inner growth and purpose.

Wishing you a peaceful Full Moon,

Agni Jnana Yannanda
The One Who Speaks With The Stars

Agni Jnana is a poet, artist, and astrologer specializing in Vedic, Western, and Star Astrology. Originally from the Masuria Lake District in Poland, she now resides in the Shawangunk Mountains of upstate New York.