Algol, the most visible star in the constellation of Perseus, is also known as the Demon Star which is a rather menacing prognostic for the eclipse season. The stars of Perseus lie north of the ecliptic and express through the first half of Taurus. Perseus in the story of Andromeda and the Royal Family, is the hero who slays Medusa the Gorgon and rescues the princess Andromeda from being devoured by Cetus the Sea Monster. Perseus returns the princess to her parents King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia, the couple gets married and their first son, Perses, begins the history of Persia.

The stars in the constellation of Perseus express the quest in search of our destiny or place in the material world. Algol (astronomically Beta Persei) is the head of slain Medusa held in the hand of Perseus. To fight the demon Perseus cannot look at it directly but only in the reflection of his shield. Methaporically, this denotes the theme of our inner fears projected onto the external reality. We look at the monsters outside of the self, when in fact they are the repressed side of our psyche representing the shadow. This shadow repression conveys the energy of the Scorpio which is in the opposition to the constellation of Taurus. The fear and our shadow belong to the realm of Scorpio, and as they are being projected onto the material plane, we have to face our fears in order to transmute them and clear the path of our destiny – the star Algol initiates this process. The star brings us a physical challenge so as to activate our energies. It is that inner fear, that demon we need to slay in order to claim our creative personal power or be forever frozen (frozen Scorpio waters) in our tracks, unable to reach the fulfillment on this earthy plane and in this lifetime – a very pronounced theme on the Scorpio / Taurus axis which is highlighted by this Lunar Eclipse.
Ultimately, follow the grand rules of Astrofeminism and be mindful of the old patriarchal legends presenting women as menacing and evil. The story of Medusa encourages us to recognize our shadow side, so we can claim the dark feminine power as the source of transformation. Let this energy guide you rather than bring on irrational fear. Truth is there are a lot of successful people, including spiritual leaders with a prominent position of Algol on 3 degrees of Taurus.