This summer, we are likely to prioritize family and close relationships, seeking to create a harmonious and secure environment. Intuition and empathy should be our guiding principles.

This year the summer begins on June 20th at 4:51 PM EST when the Sun ingresses into the cardinal sign of Cancer and will remain within that degree until June 21st.

Alchemical points within the Wheel of the Year

Traditionally, Summer Solstice marks a change in the farming year, specifically the break between the completion of spring sowing and the hard work of summer hay-making. Astrologically, within the Western tradition based on seasonal Tropical Zodiac, the first degree of the cardinal sings, called the Aries Point, marks the opening of Solstices and Equinoxes portals that define the energies for each respective season. The Aries Point is respectively at 0º Aries, 0º Cancer, 0º Libra, and 0º Capricorn, these being the critical points of the seasonal Zodiac.

Cancer heralds the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere. With longer days and more sunlight we become more sensitive and receptive; so is the Cancerian nature. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer represents the feminine energy of our first emotional feelings connected to the Mother and Home. In Cancer’s sigil we can recognize the yin &yang’s dance of life symbolism as well as the joining of egg and sperm that create life, feminine and masculine reunited in the quantum dance!

It’s our first imprint of what we feel during childhood – connecting us with family, our lineage, and the place we grew up.  Long hot days of dreamy freedom, where we merge with the never-ending summer.

Summer-ian Forecast based on the Solstice Chart

With the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the first decan of Tropical Cancer, intuition will prominently guide our decision-making processes over the next three months of summer. There’s a growing desire for deep emotional connections, prioritizing loyalty and security in our partnerships.

Caring and intuitive

The Sun in Cancer imbues us with nurturing and protective qualities, emphasizing the importance of security and comfort. Communication this summer will be driven by emotions, as Mercury in Cancer signifies a thought process influenced by feelings and intuition. It’s a good time to enhance our ability to perceive others’ unspoken needs.

Venus in Cancer signifies a loving, caring, and devoted approach to relationships. This astrological placement brings forth a nurturing energy that is deeply attuned to the emotional needs of others, often manifesting as a profound desire to create a safe and comforting environment for loved ones.

Square to Neptune – heightened sensitivity and dreamy idealism

Staying in tune with our intuition is the antidote to the most challenging aspect of the summer chart: the square between Neptune and the stellium of the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. This alignment often brings feelings of confusion and general mental fog, exacerbated by the heat waves in the Northern Hemisphere… When in doubt, look deeply into yourself and ask your heart what you truly desire. My number one astrological advice, as always, is to follow your intuition!

Neptune square the Sun also stimulates creativity and artistic inspiration. It can indicate a strong connection to the arts, music, and other forms of creative expression. Use these outlets as a way to channel the dreamy and imaginative energies we will be experiencing through the summer.

Slavic / Baltic rituals of Kupala Night

Amongst the many indigenous traditions of celebrating the longest day and the shortest night, I wrote an article on the Slavic / Baltic rituals of Kupala Night (Kupala, Goddess of Blessed Water)

About the author

With cosmic blessings,

Agni Jnana Yannanda, The One Who Speaks With The Stars