by Yannanda
Jupiter / Pluto conjunction takes place on April 4-5 , June 30th, November 12th, 2020.
April 4th, 21:48pm EST
Energetic Wave. Time of Transformation. Quantum Leap into the Fifth Dimension.
It’s time to remember what we forgot. We are part of cosmic consciousness that extends far beyond our Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy. We are stardust, and the building particles of the Universe. The energy of our actions and thoughts affects the magnetic field of the Earth, so it’s time to move away from 3D reality where we are affected by fear and lower expressions of our consciousness to the Fourth Dimension where we awaken, and clear the consciousness from patterns of destruction, and deeply ingrained generational traumas, so we can collectively rise and shift towards the Fifth Dimension. We are part of the Cosmic Plan, to raise the consciousness and live up to the fullness of our spiritual potential.

2020 is a turning point in human history, as a lot of planetary cycles end and begin shifting from one paradigm to another. The themes of Saturn / Pluto conjunction of January 12th 2020 will be felt throughout the decade, developed and enhanced by the Jupiter / Pluto conjunctions taking place on April 4-5th, June 30th and November 11th 2020, to find momentum in the Saturn / Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius that takes place on December 21st 2020 shifting the heavy loads of Capricorn’s energies, to finally culminate in Pluto moving to the sign of Aquarius in 2024.
What to expect from Jupiter / Pluto conjunction? The energies of Jupiter, The Philosopher and the Adventurer are idealistic and future oriented, Jupiter expands whatever it touches, while Pluto the Lord of the Underworld, and the Magician of the Zodiac heralds generational transformations. This aspect needs to be seen in the context of the recent Saturn / Pluto conjunction, and the deep structural changes that are called upon us. Within this cosmic cycle, Jupiter and Pluto will expand and deepen what has been initiated as the planetary alignments spiral forward towards The Paradigm Shift. We are in transition, transmuting and transforming!
The generations born with Pluto in fast moving signs (Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius) will accelerate the transformation of our world. SheUniverse is showing us that we are ready to ascend onto another level of understanding, we are ready to shift our timelines, and live our lives as if in a quantum dance. It is time to re-envision the political, economic and cultural systems through a New Green Deal that includes tackling the climate emergency as well as redesigning our society. Furthermore, the evolutionary paths represent a new attitude toward the shared resource, what only a few weeks ago seemed like an utopian tale to some (universal healthcare, basic income, the lock on the hegemony of the oil industry, banks and landlords) is coming into focus as a necessity.

We are also undergoing a powerful transformation symbolized by Saturn entering Aquarius which took place on March 21st. Saturn remains in each sign for around 2.5 years and it takes approximately 29 years to complete the cycle (infamous Saturn Return). The energies are shifting from work and structure oriented Capricorn to the higher octave of societal development: forward-looking, egalitarian, revolutionary and data/ science driven sign of Aquarius calling us to work together towards the betterment of the society, and environment, through the collaborative, synchronized efforts.
With Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, we need to attune to the CAPRICORN’s lessons, on both personal and collective levels.
Internalize the responsibility you hold over your own life, actions, potential for change, and impact on the community you are part of, an ever-evolving quantum dance of existence. Live up to your words, take responsibility for what you promised and committed to regardless of how big or small your obligations are. You have a choice. You are free to act, so if you choose integrity then Saturn, the God of Time and Duty will nod approvingly as you overcome the fear to act, and push the limits of personal comfort to take responsibility for your own life and those who are part of it.
Pluto in Capricorn, the generational slow-moving planet calls upon us to collectively acknowledge a concept of personal responsibility reverberating and enhancing the Capricorn theme. Pluto reveals where we most covertly resist change, therefore also showing us where we have the opportunity to rise above personal fears. Residing in the sign of Capricorn, Pluto tests the structures of our political and economic systems, based on a sense of moral and ethical integrity. We became all codependents of a system that is not functioning, that is, taking more than it can give. This imbalance creates a distorted sense of responsibility within us all, for the system is failing us and we need to transform it, and assume greater personal accountability for the impact we have on our world.
Jupiter, the Great Benefit, conjunct Pluto brings opportunity to align with the highest calling, attuned to the idealistic, selfless expressions of Plutonian energies. Pluto’s immense powers are best expressed as used for the greater good, and not the egotistical self serving results. Keep that in mind, and let the principle of the common good guide your actions.
With the Jupiter / Pluto conjunction the gates to the Fifth Dimension are pouring the light into our collective consciousness in the spirit of bringing humanity to its higher expression.

Moon in Leo in the constellation of Cancer